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词汇 vary
例句 Casualty estimates vary considerably.不同伤亡估计的出入很大。Water-based paints and inks can be diluted in order to vary colour strengths.水溶性颜料和油墨可以进行稀释以呈现不同的色彩强度。The importance of being an Olympian will vary from athlete to athlete.参加奥运会对每个运动员而言意义不同。I try to vary my diet by eating different kinds of foods.我尽量吃不同种类的食物,使饮食多样化。Prices usually vary with the quality.价格常随品质不同而变化。Waist-to-hip ratios vary according to body type.腰与臀的比例随体型的不同而不同。Housing prices vary according to the desirability of the location.房价随地段的好坏而变化。Prices vary depending on the area you choose.价格根据你选择的地区而有所不同。The exact length of each period may vary.每个阶段的确切时长可能会不一样。The paints vary in consistency.涂料的黏稠度有差异。Paint shades can vary under different lighting conditions.在不同的照明条件下,油漆会有色差变化。The levels of tolerable pain vary greatly from individual to individual…对疼痛的耐受程度因人而异,差别很大。Electoral systems vary from country to country.各个国家的选举制度不尽相同。Monthly interest costs vary.每个月的利息费用都不一样。Each borrower's payments will vary according to the terms of the loan.每位借款者需要偿还的数额根据借贷条款而有所不同。Jewelry and clothing fashions vary with the season.珠宝首饰和服装的流行款式随季节而变化。I'm trying to vary the children's diet a little.我正试着使孩子们的饮食多样化一点。The details may vary, but all of these savings plans have the same basic goal.具体情况可能有所不同,但所有储蓄计划的基本目标都是相同的。Teaching methodologies vary according to the topic.题目不同,教学法也不一样。Prices can vary enormously.价格可能有很大不同。The island's hotels vary wildly.岛上的宾馆千差万别。The courses vary in content and difficulty.这些课程在内容和难度上各不相同。Services offered vary among the main banks.各大银行提供的服务不尽相同。The degree of incompetence may vary.机能不全的程度可能各有不同。He took special care to vary his daily routine.他特别注意让自己的日常生活有所变化。The software allows you to vary the size of the print.这个软件可让你改变字体的大小。Good writers vary the length and structure of their sentences.擅长写作的人会变化句子的长短和结构。The diamonds vary in size.这些钻石大小不一。Parental attitudes vary widely.家长态度千差万别。Voting patterns vary geographically.选举模式因地域而有所不同。What can be found will inevitably vary according to the area under study.因为研究范围不同,研究结果不可避免会有所不同。The two cars vary tremendously.这两辆车有天壤之别。The hotel rooms vary in size, but all have televisions and telephones.旅馆客房的面积大小各异,但所有客房都有电视机和电话。Laws governing the sale of narcotics vary from state to state.监管非法麻醉品买卖的法律在州与州之间各不相同。Prices can vary enormously from state to state.物价在州与州之间可能有很大的差别。She's studying how attitudes toward death vary from culture to culture.她正在研究不同文化看待死亡的态度有何不同。The leaves vary from yellowish-green to dark green.叶子从黄绿色到深绿色各不相同。Customs vary widely from one area to another.不同地区的风俗回然不同。Conditions vary from place to place.每个地方条件都有所不同。Prices vary widely from shop to shop.商店之间的价格相差很大。




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