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词汇 唯一
例句 Your only option is to enlist the services of a good lawyer.唯一的选择就是找位好律师帮你。It's the one moan I have about the competition.那是我对这次比赛唯一不满之点。Resignation was her only option.辞职是她唯一的选择。My father says that all he did in the army was hurry up and wait.我父亲说,他在军队中做的唯一的事就是等待。The only hope for underdeveloped countries is to become, as far as possible, self-reliant.欠发达国家的唯一出路就是尽可能做到自力更生。My only memento of him is his translation.他留给我的唯一纪念品是他的翻译作品。Our only quibble about the trip was that it rained a lot.我们对这次旅行唯一的不快是天老下雨。The only honourable thing to do was to say nothing.唯一能做的体面的事就是什么都不说。The seatbelt is the biggest single lifesaver in cars.安全带是汽车里最重要、也是唯一的救命装备。Everyone knows he's the only person who can do the job.人人都知道他是唯一能做这项工作的人。Politics is by no means the only arena in which women are excelling.政坛绝不是女性大显身手的唯一舞台。He is the only canonical Greek Orthodox priest in the state.他是国内唯一一名在会的希腊正教会教士。Dimbleby lost his composure and it was all he could do to stop tears of mirth falling down his cheeks.丁布尔比情难自禁,他唯一能做的就是忍住高兴的泪水。Ian was her only living relative.伊恩是她唯一还在世的亲戚。Her only purpose in life was to get rich.唯一的生活目标就是发财致富。The birth of my son was the one bright spot in a terrible year.在那多灾多难的年景,我儿子出生是唯一令人高兴的事。The only thing holding the wall up was a frail-looking section of scaffolding.唯一撑着这墙的是一个看来摇摇欲坠的脚手架。Smoking was his one indulgence.抽烟是他唯一的嗜好。They had alienated the one man who knew the business.他们弄僵了同那个唯一懂行的人之间的关系。The only thing we can do is wait and see.我们唯一能做的就是等等看。Humans are the only animals naturally susceptible to the disease.人类是唯一天生易感染该疾病的动物。His unique concern was his own comfort.唯一关心的是自己的舒适。The only way they can deal with crime is to fight fire with fire.他们打击犯罪的唯一方法就是以牙还牙。He realized that this might be his only chance to save himself.他意识到这可能是他自救的唯一机会了。His only recreations are drinking beer and watching football.唯一的消遣就是喝啤酒和看足球比赛。The only way we could avoid getting into debt was to borrow money from our parents.我们可免于负债的唯一办法就是向父母借钱。High sugar intake was not the only problem.高糖摄入并非唯一的问题。The only wall decorations are candles and a single mirror.墙上唯一的装饰是几支蜡烛和一面镜子。The only way to stop the virus spreading is by slaughtering all infected animals.制止这种病毒扩散的唯一办法是把所有受感染的牲口都宰了。The museum possesses the only surviving manuscript of Cicero's letters.这家博物馆藏有西塞罗存留至今的唯一书信手稿。My one regret is that I never told Brad how I felt.唯一的遗憾是没有把我的感受告诉布拉德。This is the only country in Europe to deny cancer screening to its citizens.这是欧洲唯一不为其国民提供癌症筛查的国家。Dictionary-making has been his exclusive employment.编词典一直是他唯一的工作。Wine is his only indulgence.酒是他唯一的嗜好。His only concession to self-indulgence is an extra carton of natural yoghurt.他从不自我放纵,唯一任性的就是多吃一盒天然酸奶。His only recourse is to file a complaint with the management.唯一能做的就是向管理层申诉。As the only woman in the race, she was hard to miss.作为竞赛中唯一的女性,她十分显眼。They were conversing in German, their only common language.他们正用德语交谈,这是他们唯一的共同语言。The only contact she has is with the woman who lives opposite.唯一有接触的是住在对面的那个女人。If you are already considered a credit risk by a bank, a secured loan might be your only alternative.如果银行已经认为你有信用风险,那么抵押贷款就是你唯一的选择了。




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