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词汇 valued
例句 I asked him if he would have my jewellery valued for insurance purposes.我问他能否给我的珠宝进行保险估价。The country is valued as a bulwark of peace, stability, and democracy in a difficult region of the world.这个国家被誉为世界困难地区和平、稳定和民主的保障。Japan is a valued friend and partner of this country.日本是该国看重的友好国家和伙伴。As you are a valued customer, I am writing to you to explain the situation.您是一位我们很重视的客户,所以我写信向您解释一下情况。I had a letter from William, one of my most valued friends.我收到了威廉的信,他是我最敬重的朋友之一。They have a classic car which has been valued at a higher price than they paid for it.他们有一辆老式汽车,它的估价比他们买进时的要高。You do not value what should be valued, I see I was casting pearls before swine.你不珍视应该珍视的东西,我看我是在对牛弹琴。Paintings valued at over $200,000 were stolen from her home.几幅估价为二十多万美元的画从她家里被盗走了。The ranch, which was originally bought for $20,000, is now valued at over $2 million.这个原来以两万美元买下的农场,现在的价值估计超过两百万元。Roz said she'd never marry because she valued her independence too much.罗兹说她一辈子不结婚,因为她太看重自立了。All human life is valued equally.所有人的生命都是同等珍贵的。Individuality is a valued and inherent part of the British character.个性鲜明是英国人固有的、也是他们看重的特点。The ability to speak another language is a valued skill.能说一门外语是一种宝贵的技能。At the height of his fame, his every word was valued.在他名声鼎盛时,可谓句句千金。Parenting is not fully valued by society.养儿育女没有得到社会的充分重视。The Romantic writers valued feeling above all else.浪漫派作家重视感觉超过其他一切。He clearly believes that India should have de-valued its currency.他显然认为印度应将其货币贬值。Yeo valued Jan for her hard work.约先生因简工作努力而十分看重她。I always valued his fatherly advice.我总是很珍视他慈父般的忠告。We decided to get the house valued.我们决定给房子估一估价。She was a wise old woman, and we all valued her advice.她是位睿智的老妇人,我们都很看重她的忠告。Most people want to work in a place where they feel valued. That's the bottom line.大多数人希望在感觉到自己受重视的地方工作,这是基本要求。Thieves broke into the gallery and made off with paintings valued at over $2 million.窃贼闯入画廊,盗走了价值二百多万美元的画作。The company is offering discount to its valued customers.公司给重要的客户提供折扣。Changes in technology may mean that once-valued skills are now redundant.技术上的革新可能意味着曾经被重视的技术现在已变得多余。She's a valued member of the staff.她是个受器重的员工。They valued courage above everything else.他们把勇气看得高于一切。He knows how you are a valued employee.他知道你是位受器重的雇员。I had the necklace valued then put in the auction.我让人对项链进行了估价,然后交付拍卖。We wish to thank our valued customers.我们想感谢一下我们尊贵的顾客。The friendship of the two countries was old and valued.两国间的友谊历史悠久并受到珍视。That watch was valued at $100.那只表估计值一百美元。You will need to have the vehicle valued for insurance purposes.你得找人给车子估价以便购买保险。Trainees will learn a skill that is valued in many countries.学员们将学到一项在许多国家受重视的技能。Tulips are valued for their beauty.郁金香因美丽而受到青睐。He hated to be valued for his looks alone.他讨厌别人只看重他的相貌。The herbs are valued for their medicinal properties.这些草本植物因具有药性而受到重视。The collection is conservatively valued at three million dollars.这批藏品的保守估价在三百万美元。His honesty and modesty endeared him to many people who valued his wise advice.他诚实谦虚的品格使他深受大家的喜爱,许多人都愿意听他明智的建议。The items/objects are highly valued by collectors.这些物件受到收藏家的高度重视。




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