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词汇 value
例句 The judge ruled that the prejudicial effect of the evidence outweighed its value.法官裁定这份证据的有害影响超过它本身的价值。There's been no appreciation in the stock's value.那只股票一直没有升值。The shares have trebled in value since trading resumed on Wednesday.星期三恢复交易以来,股票的价格涨至三倍。There's been some dilution in the stock's value.股票的价值有些缩水了。She made/gave/delivered an oration on the value of art in society.她做了一个关于艺术的社会价值的演讲。I tried to compute the cash value of the ponies and horse boxes.我试着算了算马驹和运马拖车的现金价值。The value should be netted off against the original purchase price.应扣除原来买价后计算其净值。It is impossible to be sure about the value of land.土地的价值是无法确定的。The value of exports surged last year, recording an all-time high.去年的出口值剧增,达到前所未有的最高纪录。The pound held its value against the euro.英镑保持与欧元的比价不变。The school seems to value sporting success more than academic excellence.该校似乎把体育成就看得比学业优秀还重。The dandelion ranks ahead of both broccoli and spinach in nutritional value.蒲公英的营养价值比花椰菜和菠菜都要高。The paintings have no intrinsic value except as curiosities.这些油画除了作为古董,本身没有什么内在价值。The value of the pound will force British companies to be leaner and fitter.英镑的币值将迫使英国公司厉行精兵简政。His success serves as an eloquent reminder of the value of hard work.他的成功生动地表明了努力工作的价值。But his principal importance has been his nuisance value.但是要说他有什么了不起的地方,主要是他有一套惹是生非的本领。I firmly believe in the value of exercise.我坚信锻炼身体的价值。He places a high value on marriage.他把婚姻看得很重。The reproductions of the paintings have little or no value. 这些画的复制品没什么价值。We're willing to state for the record that it has enormous value.我们愿意郑重声明这具有极大的价值。The burglars stole the television and video, but nothing of great value.窃贼偷走了电视机和录像机,但没偷什么贵重东西。He expressed a great deal of scepticism about the value of psychoanalysis.他对精神分析的价值表示了极大的怀疑。The warrants were sold to them at prices substantially below market value.卖给他们的权证的价格大大低于其市场价值。We sold the home for less than its full value.我们以低于总价的价格卖了这套房子。I don't mean to demean the value of your proposal, but to me, it is totally not feasible.我无意贬抑你提案的价值,但就我看来,它完全是不可行的。We have received value for our money.我们的钱花得值得。Such a man will be hard pressed to produce something of value.这样的人很难创造出什么有价值的东西。 My hunch is that the stock is going to go up in value.我的预感是,这只股票的价格会涨。The medicinal value of garlic is well documented.有大量文献记载了大蒜的药用价值。Such behavior denigrates the value of honesty in the workplace.这种行为便诚信在职场的重要性大打折扣。Some thieves do not even bother to melt down stolen silver for its scrap value.有的小偷懒得为了一点蝇头小利去把偷来的银器熔掉。The crack detracted from the value of the plate.盘子的裂缝降低了它的价值。White bread is generally inferior in nutritional value.白面包的营养价值一般较低。After all his lying, nothing he says now should be taken at face value. 多次说谎之后,现在他无论说什么都不能让人相信了。If they value these data, let them pay for them.他们要是看重这些数据,就让他们出钱买。The value of their currency has now steadied.他们货币的价值现在稳定了。We have to make a judgment about the value of their services.我们得对他们服务的价值做出评判。She took his stories at face value and did not know he was joking.她对他的陈述信以为真,却不知道他是在开玩笑。The paintings are not of any great monetary value.这些画不值钱。The CD-ROM encyclopedia is a good value because the printed encyclopedia set sells for twice as much.光盘版百科全书很划算,因为印刷的百科全书价格要翻倍。




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