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We publish a weekly newsletter to keep everyone up to date.我们出版一份每周新闻通讯,让每个人都能了解最新的消息。I am very up to date on this sort of thing because I listen to the news.因为我经常收听新闻,所以掌握了关于这类事的最新信息。I keep up to date with the news by listening to radio.我通过听收音机了解最新消息。Interior designers spend their working lives keeping up to date with the latest trends.室内设计师的整个职业生涯都在紧跟时尚潮流。That country must bring itself up to date.那个国家必须跟上时代的步伐。These textbooks are not up to date.这些教材不是最新的。Her knowledge of the computer industry is bang up to date.她关于计算机产业的知识是最新的。The system needs bringing up to date.这系统需要更新。It's very important for students to keep up to date with developments in their own field of study.学生要掌握自己研究领域中的最新发展,这是非常重要的。She always keeps me up to date with the latest gossip - you know, so-and-so from down the road is having a baby and so-and-so's just bought a car.她总会把最新的小道消息及时告诉我——你知道吗,路那头的某某人怀上了孩子,某某人刚买了汽车。The book brings the familiar fable up to date by setting it in the present day.这本书把人们熟悉的寓言故事应用于当今的背景,从而赋予了它新的意义。You said you wished to bring my story up to date. What's so antediluvian about it?你说你希望把我的这篇故事修改得合乎当前的时势,请问我的故事有什么严重过时的内容?Of course we'll keep you up to date about any future developments.当然我们会让你知道将来最新的进展情况。The styles are not up to date.这些款式不是最新潮的。It is difficult to keep up to date with all the developments.很难做到掌握所有最新发展动向。She reads the newspaper every day to keep herself up to date with financial affairs.她每天都读报以使自己能够掌握财经方面的最新情况。The exhibition is informative, up to date, and mercifully free of gimmicks.这个展览既能让人增长见识,又紧跟时代前沿,而且幸运的是没有华而不实的东西。All the data are up to date.所有的数据都是最新的。Efforts were continually made to bring the dictionary up to date.一再作出努力,使词典不断更新。This memo should bring everyone up to date on the latest changes. 这本备忘录会让大家及时了解最新的变化。The newsletter will keep you up to date with our progress.简讯将让你了解我们的最新进展。We'll keep you up to date with any news.一有新消息我们就会告诉你。The city is nothing if not up to date.这座城市非常现代化。It's hard to keep all our records up to date.很难保证我们所有的记载都是最新的。She finally decided to replace her ancient computer with something more modern and up to date.她终于决定要买台更现代更新潮的电脑,把那台老古董电脑换掉。I brought him up to date on what had happened.我把到最近为止所发生的情况都告诉了他。There are weather reports every hour to keep you up to date with driving conditions in your area.每小时都有天气预报,让你驾车时知道所在地区的最新天气情况。We work hard to keep our database up to date.我们花了很大力气不断更新数据库。The union brought her up to date on her pension.工会把到目前为止的养老金都发给她了。Make sure the information is completely up to date.要确保信息是最新的。They needed to bring the first edition of the textbook up to date.他们需要更新这部教材的第一版。All our information is kept right up to date on the computer.我们贮存在计算机中的所有信息都在不断更新。We'll have to bring our equipment up to date.我们必须使我们的设备跟上时代。Bring me up to date on their progress.告诉我有关他们进展的最新消息。Britain must bring itself up to date.英国必须使自己与时俱进。We can keep you fully up to date with your financial position.我们可以让你全面掌握你的最新财务状况。The third edition of the dictionary seems bang up to date.这部词典的第三版看来完全反映了语言的最新发展。She reads the magazines to keep up to date on the latest fashions. 她阅读这些杂志以紧跟最新潮流。The time and expense involved in keeping up to date with all the changes has been worthwhile.为跟上所有这些变动而花费的时间和费用是值得的。Make sure that your immunisations are up to date to lessen the risk of serious illness.要确保接种最新的疫苗,以降低患上严重疾病的危险。 |