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例句 Rapists deserve to be locked up for the rest of their lives.强奸犯活该坐一辈子牢。I have to queue up for a bus every day.我每天都得排队等公共汽车。His name is up for the chairmanship.他被提名担任主席职务。He's boning up for his final exams.他在为期末考试用功学习。You're very grown up for your age.就你这个年纪来看,你非常成熟。He never lets up for a moment. It's always drive, drive, drive.他从来不放松一分钟,总是干、干、干。Don't let them shove you around. You've got to stand up for your rights.别任由他们摆布,你应该奋起维护自己的权利。It took them almost a month to tool up for the production of these models.他们花了几乎一个月安装机器生产这些新型号产品。She chose Maggie to make her up for her engagement photographs.她选择玛吉为她拍订婚照的时候化妆。His mind never let up for an instant.他思想上一刻也没有放松过。We queued up for the bus.我们排队等候公车。It's a big challenge and I'm up for it.这是个很大的挑战,我愿意一试。There are clear signs that the governor is geared up for a second attempt at the White House.有明显的迹象表明那位州长已准备好要再次进军白宫。You've got to stand up for what you believe in.你要捍卫你的信仰。She decided to put her baby up for adoption.她决定把自己的孩子送人。She likes to ham it up for the camera.她喜欢对着镜头摆出夸张的样子。The gunfire kept up for a long time.炮火持续了很长时间。Let's wait up for the slower ones.咱们等等慢一点儿的人吧。He was up for slander.他被控犯有诽谤罪而出庭。The answer dried him up for a short time.那个回答使他一时无话可说。He tells me gloomily that he has been called up for army service.他伤感地告诉我他已经被征召入伍了。They will stick up for their beliefs.他们将捍卫自己的信仰。As there was only one ticket left they decided to toss up for it.因为只剩下一张票子,他们决定用掷钱币来决定给谁。She is always ready to speak up for animal rights.她随时乐意为动物权利大声疾呼。She wanted to sign up for the class, but the cost was a hindrance. 她想要报名学这门课,但费用成了问题。He is up for a best-actor Oscar.他被提名为奥斯卡最佳男演员奖的候选人。Don't wait up for me; I may be late.不要熬夜等我了,我可能很晚才回来。Several positions on the team are still up for grabs.球队仍有好几个空缺位置可供争夺。The company will shortly be gearing up for a major expansion.公司很快就会准备作大规模扩展。She looked up for a moment, then continued drawing.她抬头看了一下,然后继续画画。I'll wait up for him until midnight.我会等他到午夜再睡觉。Those children regularly pony up for a second helping of my cheesecake.那些孩子常常请求我再给一份干酪蛋糕。You'll have to turn up for all the practices if you want to play in the concert.如果你想在音乐会中演奏,你必须出席所有的排练。I have got everything teed up for my trip to Europe.我去欧洲旅行的一切都准备好了。The tree was cut down and sawn up for logs.这棵树被砍倒并锯成一段一段。He stood up for his friend.他力挺他的朋友。The doctors had virtually given her up for dead, but she eventually recovered.医生们实际上已经认定她救不活了,可她最终康复了。George has been had up for not paying maintenance to his ex-wife.乔治因没有支付前妻的赡养费而被法庭受审。Sylvester Stallone need never make another movie. He's already set up for life.西尔维斯特·史泰龙不需要再拍电影了,他的钱已经够他享用一辈子了。It's sweet the way he sticks up for his little brother.他维护他小弟弟的样子真讨人喜欢。




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