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词汇 cushion
例句 A cushion of mist lay over the fields.一层浓雾笼罩着田野。The air cushion reduces the boat's contact with water.气垫减少了船与水面的接触。The helmets that boxers wear cushion blows to the head.拳击选手佩戴的头盔可以缓和对头部的打击。Nothing could cushion the shock of his father's death.什么都不能减轻父亲去世给他的打击。His savings are a cushion against sickness.他的积蓄可备他生病时使用。The bush acted as a cushion to my fall.这灌木在我摔下时起了缓冲作用。Housing benefit provides a cushion against hardship.住房福利可以减轻人们生活的艰辛。The subsidies are designed to cushion farmers against unpredictable weather.这些补助金用于减轻农民因难以预测的恶劣天气而遭受的损失。The tires help cushion the ride. 轮胎有助于缓冲行车时的颠簸。Pass me over a cushion, please.请递给我一个垫子。There was nothing soft to cushion the fall.没有任何软东西缓和一下跌落的冲击。The air bag would inflate in event of a collision to cushion front seat passengers.如果发生撞车,气袋会充气胀开保护前座乘客。She reposed her head on a cushion.她把头靠在垫子上。She used a cushion to pad the bench.她把坐垫儿垫在长凳上。The ball came to rest against the cushion.球慢慢贴着台边停了下来。I put a cushion behind his head.我把一个垫子垫在他脑后。They said Western aid was needed to cushion the blows of vital reform.他们称需要西方的援助来缓解重大改革带来的冲击。We use our savings as a cushion against major expenses.我们将存款留待有大笔开销时使用。The cushion has lost its springiness.这个靠垫失去弹性了。The kitten was curled on a cushion on the sofa.那只小猫在沙发垫子上蜷缩成了一团。Good sports shoes should provide a cushion when running.好的运动鞋可以在跑动时起缓冲作用。There was a cushion on the seat of the chair.椅子的座部有个坐垫。My savings are supposed to be a cushion if I become unemployed.我存款是为了缓解万一失业带来的压力。The tax cut should cushion the economy from the effect of soaring gas prices.这次减税应该可以减小汽油价格暴涨对经济的影响。Put a cushion behind you. You'll feel more comfortable.在身后放个垫子,这样你会感觉更舒服一些。The company provides a styrofoam cushion to protect the tablets during shipping.该公司用泡沫塑料包住牌匾,以防止其在运输过程中受损。A hovercraft travels on a cushion of air.气垫船悬浮在气垫上行驶。The cushion creeps and we are always fixing it.坐垫会渐渐移位,我们经常得把它摆正。There is also a new steering wheel with an energy absorbing rim to cushion the driver's head in the worst impacts.还配有轮缘部分具有减震功能的新型方向盘,以在受到严重撞击时保护司机的头部。We didn't have a financial cushion when my husband lost his job.我丈夫失业时,我们手头一点富余的钱都没有。Insert the cushion pad into the cover.把软垫嵌入盖子。The device floats on a cushion of air.此装置浮在缓冲气层上。If you feel angry, punch a cushion for half an hour.当你愤怒的时候,不妨猛打垫子半小时。Malone wanted to cushion the blow, but he could think of no way to break the news more gently.马隆想淡化这则新闻的冲击力,但他想不出如何更加低调地将其发布。You should aim to build up a cushion of money in case of emergencies.你应该尽量留一些应急的钱。She rested her head against a cushion.她把头靠在靠垫上。Savings can act as a cushion against unemployment.积蓄可以在失业时起到缓解作用。Amy reposed her head on a cushion.艾咪把头靠在垫子上。Let me put a cushion behind your back. How's that?让我给你背后加一个垫子。舒服吗?The company provides a styrofoam cushion to protect the tablets during shipping.公司提供泡沫隔垫,在运输过程中保护药品免遭损害。




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