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词汇 unsubstantiated
例句 The committee found these claims to be unsubstantiated.该委员会裁定这些索赔缺乏事实依据。You can't go around making these unsubstantiated allegations without any proof to back them up.你不能在没有任何佐证的情况下到处传播这些未经证实的说法。Scholars discredited his findings as unsubstantiated in any of the later myths and legends.学者们认为,他的发现未经随后任何神话和传奇的证实,不可信。I am shocked that a newspaper would publish such invective, unsubstantiated deceit.一家报纸会刊登这样没有事实依据的抨击性谎言,我为此感到震惊。Companies can be punished for making unsubstantiated claims about their products.公司对产品的说明如果没有事实根据将会受到处罚。I do object to their claim, which I find totally unsubstantiated.我强烈反对他们的说法,那是毫无根据的。There's an unsubstantiated rumour that Eddie's bankrupt.有个未经证实的传言,说埃迪破产了。




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