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He was found to be of unsound mind when he committed the murder.经查明,他实行谋杀时精神不正常。No sensible person would put his money in a bank he knew to be unsound.凡是有头脑的人都不会把钱存到自己明知不可靠的银行里。The bridge is one of several said to be structurally unsound.这座桥是据说结构上有问题的几座桥梁之一。The project is environmentally unsound.这个项目会破坏环境。Viewed apart, his arguments were unsound.逐个地考虑,他的论点是站不住脚的。In theory as well as in practice, the idea is unsound.这个主意在理论上和实践中都站不住脚。That bridge looks unsound to me.以我看那桥不安全。The roof is structurally unsound.这个屋顶结构不牢固。The church was structurally unsound.那个教堂的结构很不坚固。In my opinion, the scheme is unsound.依我看,这计划不够妥当。His speculations in unsound stocks made him bankrupt.他在不可靠的股票上做投机买卖弄得自己破了产。She is psychologically unsound.她心理上不健全。Mary was psychologically unsound.玛丽心理上不健全。The national tests were educationally unsound.从教育角度看,全国统考是不合理的。I am afraid that it is an unsound investment.我担心这项投资靠不住。Don't listen to unsound advice.别去听无根据的劝告。A diet extremely low in calories can also be a diet that is nutritionally unsound.卡路里含量极低的饮食也会造成营养不良。The thinking is good-hearted, but muddled and fundamentally unsound.这个想法的出发点是好的,但是条理混乱,而且本质上是错误的。 |