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词汇 unhappy
例句 The last thing I wanted was to make you unhappy.我最不愿见到的就是惹你不开心。It was evident that she was unhappy.她显然很不开心。I felt so unhappy about what he had said that I just sat down and cried.他的话让我很不开心,我坐下来哭了。I can see that he's unhappy, but I don't know why.我看得出他不快乐,但不知道原因。She talks frankly about her unhappy childhood.她坦率地谈起不幸的童年。Her diary entries for that month show how unhappy she was.从那个月记下的日记可以看出她是多么不开心。She still carries the memories of an unhappy childhood.她对不幸的童年仍然难以释怀。I had no idea Kay was so unhappy until she poured out her soul to me last night.昨晚凯向我诉说心里话之后,我才知道她是如此的不快乐。It is obvious to me that you're unhappy in your job.我很清楚你的工作不如意。It had been difficult to leave her unhappy marriage, but she had made her choice.舍弃不幸福的婚姻很难,但是她已经作出了决定。Employees were generally unhappy with their promotion prospects.雇员对晋升的前途普遍不满。She's a resilient girl - she won't be unhappy for long.她是个适应力很强的女孩儿——她不会长时间沉浸于悲伤之中的。That's enough to make anyone unhappy.所有人都会因此而忧伤。Something at school was making her unhappy, but she didn't want to talk about it.学校里有什么事情让她不开心,但她不想讲。We were all unhappy with the quality of the service.我们都对服务质量不满意。It would be fair to say he had one or two unhappy moments out there.可以这么说,他在那里有过一两次不愉快。He was shy and nervous as a boy, and unhappy at school.他小时候既害羞又胆怯,在学校过得并不快乐。He is unhappy that much of the show took his comments out of context.节目对他的言论大多断章取义,对此他很不高兴。There was nothing in his letter to suggest that he might have been unhappy or depressed.他的信中没有片言只字显示他当时是不开心或沮丧的。An awful lot of his customers are unhappy with his work.他有许多客户对他的工作不满。In this new biography she is depicted as a lonely and unhappy woman.在这本新的传记里,她被描写为一位孤独的、不快乐的女子。If you're unhappy with the service, you should complain to the manager.如果你对服务不满意,应该向经理投诉。For three unhappy days we were all stuck in the house because of the blizzard.由于暴风雪,我们被困在屋里无聊地待了三天。He was a diseased man, unhappy, dangerous, borderline psychotic.他是个有病的人,闷闷不乐,凶狠危险,差不多是个精神病患者。An unhappy childhood has soured her view of life.不幸的童年扭曲了她的人生观。The boss said that she was unhappy with some employees, but she stopped short of naming which ones. 老板说她对某些员工不满,但她没有具体指明是谁。He married her on the rebound from an unhappy love affair.他刚结束一段不幸的恋爱,心灰意冷之余便与她结婚了。He'd always been an unhappy, withdrawn little boy.他一直是个郁郁寡欢、沉默寡言的小男孩。He referred to an unhappy accident that had taken place.他提到了之前发生的一次不幸事故。I left the store an unhappy customer.我很失望地离开了这家商店。He has been unhappy with his son's political leanings.他一向不满意儿子的政治倾向。I'm reading between the lines, but I think they're both unhappy.我正在猜言外之意,但我认为他们俩都不开心。The children were all unhappy about going back to school.孩子们都不愿意回学校上课。As the afternoon wore on he began to look unhappy.随着午后的时光一点点地流逝,他开始显得忧郁。They were desperately unhappy/poor.他们极为不幸/贫穷。Finally, after years of unhappy marriage, Eva divorced Stanley.经过了多年不愉快的婚姻,伊娃最后与斯坦利离婚了。She was unhappy that her favorite television show was canceled.她最喜欢的电视节目取消了,对此她很不开心。The writer dragged out an unhappy existence for many years.那个作家捱过了多年不顺心的生活。She was so unhappy that she was on the verge of committing suicide.她非常不幸,几乎要自寻短见了。She was desperately unhappy after Sean left her.肖恩离开她之后,她极为难过。




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