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词汇 understandably
例句 The hotel are understandably coy about the incident.酒店对这一事件闪烁其词,这是可以理解的。The hotel are understandably coy about the incident.酒店对那次事件不愿多说,这可以理解。Children are sometimes understandably reluctant to wear glasses.孩子们有时不愿意戴眼镜,这是可以理解的。They were understandably upset.他们当然感到不安了。It was a dog's breakfast of a match, and our coach was understandably upset.比赛非常糟糕,难怪我们的教练很生气。They were, quite understandably, annoyed by the delay.这次耽搁使他们很恼火,这完全可以理解。They're understandably insulted when no one asks for their opinion on a matter that affects them so much.这件事对他们影响如此巨大,却无人征询他们的意见,他们为此感到受辱是可以理解的。She was understandably intoxicated by her success in the national competition.她因在全国比赛中获胜而欣喜若狂是可以理解的。The duke is understandably proud of Lady Helen and her achievements.公爵为海伦女士和她的成就感到自豪,这很容易理解。They are understandably angry that some workers will be fired.有些工人将被解雇,他们对此事的气愤是可以理解的。She was understandably alarmed/upset/worried.她当时感到惊恐/生气/担心是理所当然的。He was understandably dejected after losing in the first round to an unseeded American.他第一轮就输给了一位美国的非种子选手,沮丧之情可想而知。Occupants of the building are understandably upset about the high-rise going up next door.大楼内的居民对隔壁在建造的高层大厦不满,这是可以理解的。The duke is understandably proud of her.公爵自然会为她感到自豪。Her parents are understandably afraid of opening a Pandora's box if they buy her a car.她的父母有理由担心,给她买一辆车就等于是打开了潘多拉魔盒。They remain understandably sceptical about her promises of improvement.他们对她要进行改进的承诺依然持怀疑态度,这是有情可原的。They are understandably upset at being given the wrong information.他们因得到错误的信息而感到不高兴,这是可以理解的。They are understandably chary about disclosing their personal details.他们对公开个人资料十分小心,这是可以理解的。Most organizations are, quite understandably, suspicious of new ideas.大多数机构对新想法持怀疑态度,这不难理解。Students are understandably anxious about getting work after graduation.学生对毕业后找工作感到担忧,这是可以理解的。




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