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Mr Livingstone accused the government of being underhand.利文斯通先生指责政府搞欺诈。It is a sneaky and underhand way of doing business.这种做生意的方式偷偷摸摸的,很不规范。They did it all in such an underhand way.这一切他们都进行得非常秘密。If they knew anything underhand was going on, they apparently blinked at it.假如他们知道有什么不正当的事在进行,那他们都显然是睁一只眼闭一只眼。I can pitch overhand or underhand.不管上手球还是低手球我都能投。He's been involved in some underhand dealings.他参与了一些秘密交易。He pitched underhand for the younger children.他给年纪小些的孩子投低手球。What really angered her was the dirty, underhand way they had tricked her.真正使她愤怒的是他们竟用卑鄙手段欺骗她。In a series of very smart, underhand moves, Browne gradually gained control of the company.经过一连串非常巧妙的、不光彩的行动,布朗逐渐控制了公司。In softball, pitches are tossed underhand.垒球运动中采用低手投球。They shouldn't use underhand tactics.他们不该使用阴招。 |