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The two sisters are so similar that it's almost impossible to tell one from the other.这两姐妹长得实在太像了,简直不太可能把她们区分开。Completely shaved and wearing prison clothes, the two sisters were unrecognizable to each other.那两姐妹剃光了头穿着囚服,分辨不出谁是谁。Jenny was younger than her sister but seemed much more sure of herself.珍妮是两姐妹中较小的一个,但是却自信得多。The two sisters seemed very close.两姐妹看起来很亲密。The contrast between the sisters was very strong.两姐妹之间的差别十分明显。We can't see much likeness between the two sisters.我们看不出这两姐妹有多少相似之处。 |