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With the aid of a screwdriver, loosen the two screws at each end.用螺丝刀松开两头的两个螺丝。The cross-channel ferries connect with trains on either side.海峡轮渡两头与火车联运。Bind the ends of the cord together with thread.把绳子的两头用线绑在一起。He tied the ends of the plastic bag together.他把塑料袋的两头系在了一起。The two oxen were yoked together.两头牛被套上了牛轭。Pull the elastic tight and knot the ends.把橡皮筋拽紧,两头打上结。There were stairs at either end of the hall.大厅的两头都有楼梯。The station had roses growing at each end of the platform.车站月台的两头种着玫瑰花。Even women in well-paid jobs, who can afford childcare, are faced with managing the home and a career.即使是拿高薪、付得起托管费的妇女,也要面临家庭和事业两头兼顾的困难。The oxen were both ruminating.那两头牛都在倒嚼。The two schools were crosstown rivals in baseball.这两所学校是棒球对手,位于城市的两头。Two cows strayed into the woods.两头牛误入了树林。A jewelled pin bound the ends of her scarf.一枚嵌有宝石的饰针把她头巾的两头别在一起。The opened link is used to join the two ends of the chain.开口的链环是用来将链子的两头连接起来的。Take hold of both ends of the rope.抓住绳子的两头。They sat at opposite ends of the room.他们坐在房间的两头。Tie the two ends together, like so.把两头扎在一起,像这样。The basketball nets hung down from the ceiling at either end of the gymnasium.篮筐分别从体育馆两头的天花板上悬吊下来。I snapped the ends off the beans and dropped them into a bowl.我把菜豆掐掉两头扔进碗里。He shot two deer this hunting season.这个狩猎季他射杀了两头鹿。Pull both ends tight, tie the tapes, then inflate the life jacket.把两头拉紧,系上带子,然后给救生衣充气。I put a couple of stitches in just to hold the ends together.我缝了几针把两头缝合起来。When his cows calve each year he keeps one or two calves for his family.他的母牛每年产犊时,他都给自家留上一两头。Sharpen a stick at both ends.把棍子的两头都削尖。He wanted to have a look at the two oxen, both ruminating without raising their eyes.他想看看那两头牛,它们都在反刍,眼睛都不抬一下。Lay the two ends of string so they make a loop over each other.将绳子的两头放到一块,就成了一个彼此连接的环。He loosened his very strong hold on the ship's rail and glanced fore and aft.他松开紧紧抓住护栏的手,往船的两头扫了一眼。Two white bulls were sacrificed and a feast was held.献祭了两头白牛,并举行了盛宴。Cindy and Marcia sat at either end of the sofa with me in the middle.辛迪和马西娅分别坐在沙发两头,我在中间。We sat primly at either end of a long settee.我们拘谨地坐在长椅的两头。He joined the two ends of the rope together in a knot.他把绳子两头打个结连了起来。The two stags interlocked their horns while fighting.两头牡鹿鹿角勾缠在一起相斗。There are scoreboards at both ends of the stadium.体育场里两头都有记分牌。 |