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词汇 unclear
例句 It is unclear how much support they have.他们获得多少支持还不清楚。It is unclear how much popular support they have among the island's population.目前还不清楚他们在岛上的民众中间有多高的支持率。It is still unclear whether dotcom companies will continue to thrive in the long-term future.网络公司将来是否能够长期繁荣下去,仍是个未知数。The overall extent of civilian casualties remained unclear.平民伤亡总数还不清楚。The ownership of the painting remains unclear.这幅画的归属目前还不清楚。The country's military capability is unclear. 这个国家的军事力量尚不清楚。Just what the soldier was doing in Bireij is unclear.就连那个士兵在比雷杰干什么都不清楚。It is unclear whether the country has the capability to produce nuclear weapons.该国是不是有能力制造核武器尚不清楚。Police say the motive for the attack is still unclear.警方说袭击的动机仍不清楚。His future was unclear and uncertain.他的前途不明朗,且难以预料。To this day, it's unclear whether he shot himself or was murdered.至今尚不清楚他究竟是饮弹自杀还是被谋杀。I'm rather unclear about what I'm supposed to be doing here.我不太明白自己该在这儿做些什么。The reasons for this remained unclear.这样做的原因尚不清楚。The terms of our tenancy agreement are somewhat unclear.我们的租赁条款有点含糊。It's still unclear who was responsible for orchestrating the attack.究竟是谁策划了这起攻击事件,目前尚不清楚。His itinerary is still unclear.目前仍不清楚他的行程安排。It was unclear when the two sides would meet again to discuss the budget.双方何时再次碰头商讨预算之事尚不清楚。I am happy to clarify any points that are still unclear.我乐意对任何仍不清楚的地方进行说明。His ideas are good, but he's very unclear about how he's going to achieve them.他的想法不错,但他不知道如何才能实现。Your essay seems unfocused and unclear.你的论文似乎零散并且表述不清。At this hour, the fate of the passengers and crew is still unclear.此时此刻,乘客和机组人员还是生死未卜。It is unclear whether the meeting will take place as planned.会议是否会如期举行还是未知数。It is unclear how the man died.不清楚那个人是怎么死的。It is unclear why some people develop arthritis.尚不明确为什么有些人会得关节炎。The source of the primary tumour remained unclear.早期肿瘤的病源尚不明确。The terms of the contract are very unclear.合同的条款非常含糊。It is unclear whether the she will agree to the new arrangements.不清楚她是否会同意新安排。Their directions were unclear.他们的指示含糊不清。Legal writing is often unclear and verbose.法律文书往往含糊冗长。The article made so much use of euphemism that often its meaning was unclear.这篇文章用了太多的委婉语,以至于意思常常不甚明了。The exact details are unclear.具体细节不清楚。The cause of the disease remains unclear.这种病的起因尚不清楚。The marking on the road is unclear.路上的标识不清楚。Exactly what he thought he would accomplish is unclear.尚不清楚他在自己会取得什么样的成就这一问题上的确切想法。The law on copyright is still unclear. And again, it's a complex issue.版权法还是很模糊。再说,这也是一个复杂的问题。It is unclear whether this treatment can improve hearing in patients with acoustic neuromas.目前尚不清楚这种治疗方法是否能够提高听觉神经瘤患者的听力水平。The exact whereabouts of the consignment is unclear.不清楚寄存物的具体下落。The circumstances surrounding his death are still unclear.关于他的死,人们还不了解详细情况。His instructions were unclear.他的指令叫人很难懂。Aspiring contestants were already frustrated because of unclear protocol.由于规则模糊不清,信心满怀的参赛选手已经开始感到沮丧。




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