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词汇 unaffected
例句 He appeared totally unaffected by this experience.看来他完全没有受这次经历影响。Some students were traumatized by the anatomy classes, while others were unaffected.有些学生上解剖课时有过痛苦经历,有些则没有受影响。Matt appears unaffected by all the media attention.马特似乎未受媒体关注的影响。The rest of the world was in recession, but the Soviet economy remained unaffected.世界上其他地方的经济都在衰退,唯独苏联没有受到影响。The city appears to be largely unaffected.这座城市似乎没受到什么影响。She was seemingly unaffected by his presence.他的到来看来并没有对她产生什么影响。Success has never turned her head - she's still the same simple unaffected girl she always was.成功并没有使她冲昏头脑——她仍是从前那个简朴真挚的女孩。She seemed totally unaffected by what she'd drunk.她似乎完全没有受到喝下的东西的影响。Henry remained calm and outwardly unaffected by the terrible events of the previous day.亨利仍然很平静,从表面看,前一天发生的可怕事情对他好像没有什么影响。The Queen's role remains the same, apparently unaffected by the changes and upheavals of recent years.女王的地位还是一样,似乎没有受到近年来各种变化与动荡的影响。He thought the speech a model of its kind, limpid and unaffected.他认为这一演讲堪称典范,简洁流畅,清新自然。Here, you seem to be immersed in an unchanging rural way of life, seemingly unaffected by progress and the modern world.在这里,你似乎沉浸于一成不变的乡村生活方式,好像不受时代进步和现代世界的影响。They shortened the book when they made the movie, but the basic story remained unaffected.他们拍电影时压缩了原著内容,但主要故事情节没有改变。He has a friendly and unaffected manner.他的举止友好而真挚。Carbone seemed unaffected by the crowd's hostility towards him.卡蓬似乎未受人群的敌意的影响。The president's popularity remained largely unaffected by the whole affair.总统的支持率基本上并未因整个事件而受到影响。Her concentration was unaffected by the constant noise.她的注意力没有被持续的噪声所影响。




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