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词汇 two or three
例句 Give the cardboard two or three coats of varnish to harden it.在硬纸板上刷两三道清漆使其变硬。Check the temperature two or three times a day.一天检查两三次温度。At the place we stopped for lunch,we fell in with two or three university students.在我们停下来吃饭的地方,我们偶然遇到了二三个大学生。The semiprofessional machines come with two or three speeds.接近于供专业人员使用的机器有两三档速度。We lost two or three early games in the World Cup, but we bounced back.在世界杯比赛开始时我们有两三场比赛失利,但后来我们又恢复了状态。The maid walked two or three footsteps behind her mistress.女仆在女主人身后跟着,相隔两三步。There were just two or three fishermen mending nets, empty canoes aground in the swamp.只有两三个渔民在补网,空独木舟搁浅在沼泽里。He named two or three cities.他举出了二三个城市。It was a cold night. About two or three degrees at a guess.那是一个寒冷的夜晚,气温估计只有两三度。It is normal to spend two or three years working in this country before being posted overseas.在被派往海外之前,在这个国家工作两三年是很正常的。You may spend two or three days there.你可以在那里待上两三天。I knew only two or three unattached men.我只认识两三个未婚男子。Promotion was almost automatic after two or three years.两三年后几乎是自动获得晋升。I have to go to Japan tomorrow and will stay there two or three weeks, at the outside.我明天得去日本,至多在那里呆两三个星期。Many of them can speak two or three or more languages.他们当中许多人会说两三门,甚至更多的语言。It's been two or three years since I've seen her.我已经有两三年没见到她了。Larger drawings tend to require two or three exposures to cover them.较大的图画往往需要两三张胶片才能拍下来。The campaign for debt relief will not bear fruit for another two or three years.债务舒缓运动在这两三年之内是不会有什么成果的。Enemy guns fired a shell every two or three minutes.敌人的大炮每隔两三分钟就会开火。I cook rice two or three hours ahead.我提前两三个小时煮好米饭。I thought it would only take two or three minutes, but it ended up taking more like half an hour. 我本以为两三分钟就好了,可最终花了半小时左右。She had me down to her villa for two or three days.她请我到她的乡间别墅住几天。The problems really started maybe two or three years ago.这些问题可能是两三年以前真正开始出现的。With high-yield varieties of rice the farmers can grow two or three crops a year.有了各种高产量的稻,农民一年可以种两季或三季。It took us two or three days to clean it all up.全部打扫干净花了我们两三天时间。The list is narrowed down until you have two or three restaurants to choose from.把饭店名单压缩到两三家之后你再从中挑选。I had planned on staying here for two or three years.我本打算在这里待上两三年。Huw works out in the gym two or three times a week.休每周在健身房锻炼两三次。I forget the exact age difference between Mark and his brother - they're two or three years apart.我记不太清楚马克和他弟弟差几岁了——不是两岁就是三岁。Most rock groups spend two or three months a year on the road.大多数的摇滚乐团一年有两三个月的时间作巡回演出。He can take the children with him in the knowledge that they will have to change schools every two or three years.他可以带上孩子们,可是他知道孩子们每隔两三年必须转一次学。It was not unusual for me to come home at two or three in the morning.凌晨两三点钟回家对我来说是很平常的事。She gave him two or three ogles.她向他抛去两三个媚眼。Letters might be spaced to two or three days.每隔两三天会有信来。For every farm job that is lost, two or three other jobs in the area are put at risk.在该地区每有一个农民失去工作,另外两到三个从事其他工作的人就会面临失业的危险。I often stayed up until two or three in the morning.我常常熬夜到凌晨两三点。The company plans to split into two or three units.公司计划拆分成三个部分。The queen is likely to mate with two or three drones.蜂王可能与两三只雄蜂交配。There are two or three groups that are strongly against construction of the dam.有两三个团体强烈反对修建大坝。Polish banks can still take two or three weeks to clear a cheque.在波兰,银行兑现支票可能还需要两三个星期。




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