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词汇 twists
例句 Psychological twists perk up an otherwise predictable story line.心理转折使原本老套的故事情节变得生动有趣。The road has some nasty twists.这条路有一些急转弯。The story is full of unexpected twists.这个故事充满了令人意想不到的曲折。There are some amusing twists to the story.这个故事中有一些很有趣的转折。She often twists my words.她时常歪曲我的话。He twists his lip into an odd expression when he's thinking.他思考的时候会扭动嘴唇做出奇怪的表情。The twists and turns of his argument made his speech very difficult to understand.他的辩说峰回路转,使得他的发言难以理解。The top twists off.盖拧掉了。From here, a narrow road twists up to Alwinton.这儿有条弯弯曲曲的小路通往阿尔温顿。It's hard to follow all the twists and turns of the plot.要搞懂这些迂回曲折的情节很困难。The coastal road had many twists and turns.这条沿海公路弯弯曲曲的。The plot has many twists. 故事情节跌宕起伏。The road along the coast twists and turns.海滨那条路蜿蜒曲折。The course of peace was directly affected by the twists and turns on the international scene.和平的进程直接受到国际舞台上风云变化的影响。The twists of the plot are yawningly predictable.情节的曲折变化非常老套,索然无味。These questions demand special twists of thinking.要解决这些问题需要特别的思路。It allows the train to maintain a constant speed through the twists and turns of existing track.它使火车在通过现有轨道的弯曲处时得以保持恒定的车速。The lane twists and turns between pleasant but unspectacular cottages.小径在令人惬意而又毫不起眼的村舍间迂回曲折。During its flight, the weapon twists and turns.这种武器在飞行过程中会曲折前进。I like the way she twists that scarf around her neck.我喜欢她那样把围巾绕在脖子上。The film is ruined by all the unrealistic plot twists.这部影片就毁在那些不真实的情节转折上。This device has a gripper that electrically twists off the jar top. Nothing to it.这个装置有一个能拧开瓶盖的电动钳子,并不复杂。Reaching up to a cupboard he takes out a jar and twists the lid off.他伸手够到上面的碗橱,拿出一个罐子并把盖子旋开。It was a film noir with some clever twists.这是一部情节设计巧妙的黑色电影。The movie's plot twists and convolutions demand a lot of concentration from the audience.这部电影情节复杂,迂回曲折,观众需要全神贯注。His body twists and sways to the rhythm.他的身体随着节奏扭动摇摆。This film belts along with a dizzying number of twists and turns.这部电影情节曲折迂回,令人看得晕头转向。It's impossible to follow all the twists and turns of the plot.要跟上情节中所有的曲折变化是不可能的。Every time I try to talk to him about it, he just twists everything I say.我每次试图跟他谈论这事,他就故意歪曲我的话。The road twists and turns up the hillside.道路弯弯曲曲地顺着山坡延伸而上。With a few clever twists, he had formed the balloon into the shape of a dog.他巧妙地把气球扭了几下,把它弄成了一只狗的形状。The bottle cap twists off.瓶盖能拧下来。I found it hard to follow the twists and turns of the movie's complicated plot.我发现这部电影迂回曲折的复杂情节十分难以理解。The road twists to the right at the next intersection.这条路在下一个交叉口向右拐弯。The plot line of the story twists past a curiously mixed group of characters.故事的情节贯穿着一群奇妙地结合起来的人物。The surprise twists in the storyline are the film's greatest strength.该影片最精彩之处就是剧情的曲折离奇。The road twists and turns along the coast.这条路沿着海岸线迂回曲折。The cleverly written script is full of twists and turns.这部构思巧妙的剧本充满波折。The road twists and turns through the mountains.那条道路弯弯曲曲穿过群山。Psychological twists perk up an otherwise predictable storyline.心理转折使原本老套的故事情节变得生动有趣。




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