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词汇 党派
例句 The election resulted in a hung parliament, followed by the resignation of the prime minister.大选结果是无任何党派在议会中占据优势,随后首相宣布辞职。The Senator's views are entirely his own and do not represent those of his party.那位参议员的观点完全是他个人的,不代表他所在党派Congress voted along party lines on the new education bill.国会各党派议员依各自党派主张对新教育议案进行了投票。The party has fielded an impressive slate of candidates this year.那个党派今年已经推举出一份很有分量的候选人名单。He has called a meeting of all parties tomorrow, with a view to forming a national reconciliation government.为了组建一个协调各方利益的全国性联合政府,他已召集所有党派参加明天的会议。Opposition may also come from hardliners within his own party.反对还可能来自他自己党派内的强硬派。As a political party they are trying to effect a change in the way that we think about our environment.作为一个政治党派,他们正在试图改变我们关于环境的观念。Perhaps it would be better for his party if he resigned.他辞职或许会对他那个党派更好一些。Some members of the party broke away to form a rival party.党派的一些成员脱离出去,组成了对立政党。He is well-known as a moderate in the party.他是这一党派中出名的温和派。There is now a need for a realignment of political parties.现在各政治党派需要重新结盟。Many left the party for ideological reasons.许多人出于思想观念上的原因脱离了这个党派She hopes the speech will help her to get the party's message across. 她希望演说能够帮助她传播党派的核心思想。The party finally split over the issue of gun control.这个党派最终在枪支管控问题上产生了严重分化。There are signs that the party is gaining ground in the latest polls.有迹象显示,该党派在最近的民调中支持率在上升。The party lost power three years ago after a spate of political scandals.这个党派在三年之前经历了一连串的政治丑闻之后失去了权力。Politically, my parents are betwixt and between. They're neither liberal nor conservative in their views.我父母的政治观点中立,既不是自由党派也不是保守党派Later he called a meeting of his party's central office bearers.后来他召集了他所属党派的核心领导人开会。It's hard to tell what the party stands for these days.如今这个党派的主张是什么很难说清楚。In the final analysis, it is the better organized party that will probably win.最后可能是组织得更好的这个党派获胜。As he girds his loins for the party's leadership election, Mr Kennedy refutes the allegation that he is lazy.肯尼迪先生驳斥了称他懒惰的指控,摩拳擦掌为竞选党派领导做准备。They're both on the extreme left of the party.他们两个都是这个党派的极左分子。His fiery campaign rhetoric has kept opposition parties on their toes for months.他慷慨激昂的竞选演说让反对党派一连数月都不敢松懈。Many varied motives prompt individuals to join a political party.促使人们加入一个政治党派的动机多种多样。Leaders of the banned party were arrested last night.被取缔党派的领导人昨晚遭到逮捕。Party activists in New Hampshire rejoiced that the presidential campaign had finally started.新罕布什尔州党派激进分子对于总统选举终于启动感到欣喜若狂。The General lifted a ban on political parties.将军解除了党派的禁令。He ran up against a solid wall of opposition when it came to the sensitive issue of party privileges.当涉及党派特权这样敏感的问题时,他遭到了坚决的反对。He plans to split his ticket, voting for different parties.他打算分散投票,支持不同的党派The deputies from the different parties sat on opposite sides of the chamber.不同党派的代表面对面坐在会议厅的两边。The party made modest gains in the elections, but nothing like the huge gains that were predicted.这一党派在选举中取得一定成绩,但和预期的巨大收获相差甚远。The opposition parties effectively have a veto on constitutional reform.各反对党派实际上对宪法改革拥有否决权。Support for environmental issues cuts across traditional party lines.对环境问题的支持超越了传统的党派界限。It's clear that the party of the former Prime Minister has suffered a major reverse.显然,前首相所在党派遭受了重大的挫折。The Party was certainly not an official adjunct of the police department.党派肯定不是公安部门的官方附属机构。He persuaded a narrow majority of the party to support the government.他说服了该党派中的微弱多数,让他们支持政府。After the election, the party launched into a frontal assault on the British media.大选过后,该党派对英国媒体发起了正面抨击。The rump of the party does in fact still have considerable assets.事实上,这个党派的残余分子确实仍然拥有可观的资产。Human rights abuses by any party are intolerable.任何党派践踏人权的行为都不能容忍。He is a member of a group that has broken away from the party's leaders in a grab for power.他是在一次权力争夺中与该党派领导人决裂的团伙成员之一。




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