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词汇 党员
例句 Several members of the party have resurrected the idea of constitutional change.该党几位党员重新提出了修改宪法的主张。Most conservatives may end up supporting him, faute de mieux.因为没有更好的候选人,大多数保守党党员可能最终会支持他。The Tories jeered in unison.保守党党员齐声嘲笑。He gained a reputation as a forceful member of the party.他获得如许名声: 是说话强有力的党员Party members united behind their leader.党员们联合起来支持他们的领袖。He's a Liberal.他是一位自由民主党党员The feeling among the grassroots of the Party is that the leaders are not radical enough.这个政党的广大基层党员感到他们的领导行事不够彻底。Every member will receive their own 'Welcome to Labour' brochure.每个党员都将收到一本名为《欢迎加入工党》的小册子。The Conservatives got in at the last election.保守党党员在最后一轮选举中当选。Party members had lost confidence in the leadership.党员们对领导层已失去信心。Most party members are keen to dissociate themselves from the extremists.大多数党员都急于表明自己与极端分子没有任何瓜葛。The party's membership has stagnated.该党党员人数一直未有发展。Party members must have the chance to express their views democratically without their leaders bludgeoning them.党员必须有机会民主地表达自己的观点而不受领导的胁迫。All party members will have the right to vote for the new leader.所有党员都有权投票选举新的领导人。Mr Cameron was cheered by the party faithful.卡梅伦先生得到忠诚的党员的喝彩。Party membership was an essential prerequisite of a successful career.成为党员是事业有成必不可少的先决条件。Many of the party's members joined only for opportunistic reasons.该党很多党员只是抱着投机取巧的心理才入党的。There are few true believers in communism left in the party.党内虔诚信仰共产主义的党员所剩无几。The conference is open to all party members.此次会议向全体党员开放。Many liberals and conservatives may abstain from voting.有很多自由党和保守党党员可能会投弃权票。He was being white-anted by members of his own party who he had regarded as loyal.他正遭到党内那些他原以为忠诚的党员的暗算。Defiant party members openly challenged the leadership.不服从的党员公开向领导挑战。He gave details of the policy in an address to party members.他在对党员的一次讲话中对这一政策进行了具体阐述。The Socialists tried to trump this with their slogan.社会党党员设法用他们的口号把它压过去。The party must present a united front on these issues. 全体党员必须对这些问题达成共识。Party members appeared on television to repudiate policies they had formerly supported.党员们在电视里声明拒绝接受他们从前拥护的政策。It was decided to hold a ballot of all party members.决定由全体党员投票表决。The document has rankled many party members.这份文件激起了许多党员的怨恨。The Union's statutes forbade party members from holding high office.工会条例禁止党员担任高级职务。He was a paid-up member of the Communist Party.他已缴清共产党党员应交的党费。Other party members accused Simpson of disloyalty.其他党员指责辛普森对党不忠。Breaking meetings up and harassing party members are just some of the tactics our opponents have used.扰乱会议秩序、骚扰党员等仅仅是我们的对手所采用的一部分伎俩。After their election victory, party members seemed positively joyful.选举获胜之后,党员们显得欣喜若狂。Junior members of the party have decided to short-circuit the process and go direct to the top.党内的年轻党员已经决定要简化程序,直接升入高层。Several mutinous party members threatened to defect to the opposition.几名桀骜不驯的党员威胁说要投靠反对党。It urged the party to cleanse its own ranks of those found guilty of human rights violations.它敦促该党清除那些被判侵犯人权罪的党员The decisions were taken by the party leadership without consulting the grass roots.这些决定是党的领导层未与基层党员协商就作出的。The issue disunited the party members.这一争端使党员们发生内讧。Party members united in support of their candidate.党员们团结一致,支持他们的候选人。These are letters from self-identifying members of his party.这些是与他同属一党而且自己认为思想上与他完全一致的党员们寄来的信件。




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