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词汇 turns
例句 It turns out that Julie is a close friend of my cousin Kelly.后来发现朱莉与我的堂姐凯莉是好朋友。When soft woods are used for the firing, the clay turns dark from the smoke.用软木烧制时,黏土会被烟雾熏暗。The maid always turns down the bedclothes and places a mint on the pillow.女仆总是把铺盖翻下并在枕头上放一块薄荷糖。His amazement turns into laughter, which builds steadily.他先是惊讶,接着笑了起来,笑声越来越响。He is meticulous in his choice of words and turns of phrase.他措辞谨慎,描述细致。The lane twists and turns between pleasant but unspectacular cottages.小径在令人惬意而又毫不起眼的村舍间迂回曲折。We took turns in pushing the bike along.我们轮流推自行车。The water provides the motive power that turns the mill wheel.水提供了转动轮子的动力。In fairy tales when the princess kisses a frog, it turns into a handsome prince.童话故事里,公主吻了青蛙后,青蛙就变成了英俊的王子。The actor makes frequent guest turns on the show.这位演员经常在节目中客串演出。The road along the coast twists and turns.海滨那条路蜿蜒曲折。Blimey! I can hardly imagine that the thief turns out to be his son.天哪!我怎么想得到,他的儿子居然是小偷。Milk clots when it turns sour.牛奶变酸就会结成块。The collar turns back in the latest fashion.最新款式的衣领是翻领。As the gear revolves, it turns the other gears.当这个齿轮转动时,它就带动了其他齿轮。I want to work at home on a Tuesday but as it turns out sometimes it's a Wednesday or a Thursday.我想周二在家工作,但实际上有时却是周三或是周四。The coastal road had many twists and turns.这条沿海公路弯弯曲曲的。The sight of blood turns her stomach.她一见到血就会恶心。This is similar to waiting for a bus that never turns up.这就跟等待一辆永远等不到的公共汽车差不多。The plot turns on whether Ilsa will choose her lover or her husband.故事情节取决于伊尔莎会选择情人还是丈夫。The road turns sharply to the right up ahead.前方道路向右急转弯。The party lost all public support after a series of U-turns and policy failures.该党一连多次出尔反尔,加之一系列的政策失误,终于失尽了民众的支持。The most important thing for a student to find out in college is what really turns them on.学生在大学里最重要的事就是弄明白自己真正感兴趣的是什么。When acid is present, the chemical in the test tube turns red.存在酸的话,试管内的化学物就会变成红色。We take turns doing the dishes.我们轮流洗盘子。The soldiers took it in turns to swig vodka.那些士兵轮流大口大口地喝伏特加酒。Our workshop turns out parts for generators.我们车间生产发动机零件。The teachers were on duty by turns.老师们轮流值班。It's difficult telling your partner what actually turns you on.你很难向自己的伴侣讲清楚,怎么样才能激起你的性欲。If you take it in turns, then everyone gets a chance.如果你让轮流进行,那么每个人都会得到一次机会。He gets funny turns, you know. It's his age.他总是感觉不舒服。也是,他都这个岁数了。He has an awesome reputation for calling stock market turns.他善于预测股票市场涨落的变化,极负盛名。The mere thought of flying turns her up.一想到乘飞机她就要吐。As the milk turns sour, it separates into thick curds and watery liquid.牛奶变酸的时候,就分成厚厚的凝乳和水状液体两部分。Bill turns on the radio to catch the local news.比尔打开收音机,收听本地新闻。What am I going to do with all this food if no one turns up?如果没有人来,我该如何处理所有这些食品呢?The body that turns men on doesn't have to be perfect.并不是非得完美无瑕的身体才能激发男人的性欲。I work in a factory that turns scrap metal into tin cans.我在一家用废弃金属生产马口铁罐的工厂上班。At my grandparents’ we would take turns riding on a swing made out of an old tire.在爷爷奶奶家,我们轮流坐一只用旧轮胎做的秋千。They took turns to look after the baby.她们轮流照顾那婴儿。




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