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词汇 tune
例句 I've had that new tune on the brain.那支新曲子一直萦绕在我的脑中。The kids were picking out a tune on the old piano.孩子们在旧钢琴上一个音一个音地弹奏一首乐曲。He struck a tune on the piano.他在钢琴上弹了一首曲子。The band was playing a gay tune.乐队正在演奏一首欢快的乐曲。The tune goes like this.曲调是这样的。The band's lead singer was pounding out a tune on the piano.乐队主唱在钢琴上用力弹奏曲子。If you don't know the words, just hum the tune.如果你不知道歌词,你就哼调子。Tony wrote the words of the song and Kris wrote the tune.汤尼写歌词,克丽丝谱曲。Millions of people regularly tune in to her chat show.数百万人按时收听她的谈话节目。Doesn't that sound like the signature tune from The Late Late Show?那听起来像不像《深夜脱口秀》的开播曲?I can't carry a tune.我五音不全。The senators are dancing to the tune of the President.参议员都对总统唯命是从。Do please tune out that terrible music, I can't bear the noise.行行好,别听那讨厌的音乐,我受不了那噪声。The industry is changing in tune with changing demand.这个行业正随着不断变化的需求作出相应的调整。I can't get that tune out of my head.我忘不了那首曲子。Budding linguists can tune in to the activity cassettes in French, German, Spanish and Italian.崭露头角的语言学家们可以收听法语、德语、西班牙语和意大利语的活动磁带。Ten million people regularly tune in to see his show.上千万人定期收看他的表演。Most phones will automatically tune to the strongest network signal.大多数电话会自动调整到最强的网络信号。I'm trying to remember how the theme tune goes.我在尽力回忆主旋律是什么样的。When I interviewed Shakira I felt in tune with her philosophy of life.我采访莎基拉时觉得和她的人生哲学很合拍。One of the guitars sounds a little out of tune.其中一把吉他听起来有点走调。The tune is basically the same as the old one, but considerably jazzed up.曲调基本和以前一样,但是活泼了很多。He knocked out a tune on the piano.他在钢琴上瞎弹了支曲调。Always tune your violin before you start playing.每次演奏之前要先给小提琴调音。A little group of older people were chanting the old favourites out of tune and out of unison but never out of sorts.一小群老人在唱着他们喜爱的老歌曲,虽然音走调,声不齐,但唱得很痛快。He calls the tune in this office.在咱们这个单位他决定一切。 The lyrics were sung to the tune of the Beatles' 'Eleanor Rigby'.这首歌的词配了披头士《埃莉诺・里格比》的曲来唱。You can start now to tune in to your own physical, social and spiritual needs.你现在可以开始关注自己的生理、社交与精神需求。If every tune from Radiohead is as good as this one is, it can't be long before they are household names.如果电台司令乐队的每首歌都像这首这么棒的话,那它很快便会家喻户晓了。She was drumming a tune on her knees.她在膝盖上敲着曲子。People just want a good tune and a good bop.人们只是希望能伴着欢快的曲子尽情地跳博普舞。She sat picking out a tune on the piano.她坐在钢琴旁缓缓弹奏着一支乐曲。She was humming a merry little tune.她哼着一首欢快的小曲。The tune's familiar but I don't know the words.调子很熟悉,但我不知道歌词。He sang out of tune.他唱跑调了。Iwish you'd stop whistling that tune!我希望你不要再用口哨吹那个调子了!Government ministers are now changing their tune and extolling the virtues of saving for the future.政府部长们此刻都变了态度,极力颂扬这种为未来储蓄的美德。And the fiddler played another little tune.小提琴手又演奏了一首短曲。Someone in the choir isn't singing in tune.合唱团里有人唱得跟大家不合调。She loves playing the piano and will give you a tune at the drop of a hat.她爱弹琴,并乐意随时为您奏一曲。




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