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词汇 blush
例句 I blush to admit it, but you've caught me in an error.不好意思,但我得承认你的确指出了我的失误。I felt myself blush. Then I sniffed back a tear.我觉得自己的脸红了,接着我吸吸鼻子,不让眼泪掉下来。You are not brazenfaced if you can blush.如果你会脸红那你还是知耻的。He muffed his job without a blush.他把工作做得一团糟而不脸红。At first blush, it seems like a good idea.乍一想,这倒像是个好主意。She put on a little lipstick and blush.她涂了点口红,擦了些胭脂。His curse made her blush.他的咒骂使她脸红了。Donald felt a blush warm his cheeks.唐纳德感到脸上烫烫的,红了起来。A sheer rose blush enhanced her natural glowing cheeks.薄薄一层玫瑰色腮红让她的脸色更自然红润。She tried to hide her fiery blush.她努力掩饰自己绯红的脸。She lowered her eyes with a deep blush.她垂下眼睛,脸色通红。Stop teasing-you're making him blush.你别取笑他了 - 他脸都红了。I blush to admit that I haven't read “The Old Curiosity Shop”.我都不好意思承认,我没有看过《老古玩店》。The fruit is yellow, with a blush of pink.这种水果是黄色的,微微泛红。The rosy blush of dawn began to mantle in the east.东方的天空开始布满玫瑰色的朝霞。She could feel the blush rising furiously to her cheeks.她觉得自己的脸颊涨得通红。I always blush when I speak in public.当众讲话时我总是脸红。Her husband's behaviour made her blush in confusion.她丈夫的行为使她羞愧得满面通红。A faint blush came into her cheek.她的脸上出现了淡淡的红晕。There was a feverish blush to his cheeks.他两颊烧得通红。A deep blush spread from her head to her neck.她的脸绯红,一直红到了脖子。The comment brought a blush to her cheeks.这评价让她脸红了。At first blush, this sounds like good news.乍一想,这似乎是个好消息。He put me to the blush by his foolish behavior when we were out together.我们一起出去时,他愚蠢的行为使我羞愧。Her blush told of her embarrassment.脸红表明她难堪。I blush whenever I think about it.每当我想到这个就会脸红。Ann accepted it with a blush.安红着脸收下了。




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