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词汇 blushes
例句 She blushes when you praise her.每当有人夸她时,她就脸红。Her blushes were saved by a prompt from one of her hosts.幸亏一位主持人提示,她才不至于尴尬脸红。She bent her head to hide her blushes.她低下头,把羞红的脸掩藏起来。She turned aside to hide her blushes.她转过头去不让别人看见她脸红。He scored at the last minute, and spared England's blushes.他在最后一刻进了球,使英格兰队不至于太难堪。We don't want to name the man to spare his blushes.我们就不点这个人的名了,省得他脸红。You shouldn't say all these nice things about me; spare my blushes!你不该讲我这么多好话—别让我难为情!We will spare the blushes of those who made the biggest errors.我们不会让那些犯了最严重错误的人感到难为情的。The manager spoke up to spare the blushes of his young employee.为了不让年轻的雇员尴尬经理说话表了态。She faced away to hide her blushes.她转过头去不让人看到她脸红。She sometimes blushes when spoken to in the street.当有人在街上跟她打招呼时,她有时要脸红。




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