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词汇 BMW
例句 I like to drive around in my brother's BMW and pretend I'm a rich businessman.我喜欢开着哥哥的宝马汽车四处转悠,装作是个富有的商人。The insurance on his BMW has run out, and the car stands unused.他的宝马汽车保险已期满,车子却一直未开过。There was a BMW in the drive.车道上有辆宝马车。The insurance on his BMW has run out, and the car stands unused.他那部宝马车的保险已过期,而车还没用过。Police recovered both items, and impounded a black BMW from the murder scene.警方寻回了那两件物品,并在凶案现场扣押了一辆黑色的宝马汽车。The new BMW has a more powerful engine than its predecessor.新款宝马汽车的发动机比其前身动力更强劲。The Smiths bought a Range Rover. Not to be outdone, the Joneses bought a BMW.史密斯家买了一辆路虎越野车,琼斯家不甘人后,买了一辆宝马轿车。The BMW started coming forward, passing the other cars and gaining speed as it approached.那辆宝马车开始赶上来,超过了其他车辆并且在逼近的时候开始加速。Germany's BMW announced a financial package for its loss-making British subsidiary.德国宝马汽车公司宣布了一项金融一揽子计划来援助亏损的英国子公司。My brother's just bought a brand new BMW.我弟弟刚买了一辆崭新的宝马。It is appropriate that the exhibition is sponsored by BMW.这个展览由宝马公司来赞助很合适。A mobile telephone is a more affordable status symbol than a BMW.与宝马车相比,一部手机是人们更能负担得起的身份象征。A black BMW swerved, narrowly missing another car.一辆黑色宝马突然转向,险些撞上另一辆汽车。The new BMW is big on safety features.这辆新的宝马安全性能很好。Tim may switch his BMW for something else.蒂姆可能会把他的宝马车换成别的什么车。The patrol car followed the BMW for a few miles and then lost it.巡逻车跟了那辆宝马几英里,后来就跟丢了。A silver BMW missed him by inches.一辆银色的宝马汽车险些撞到他。




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