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词汇 truck
例句 A truck ran into the side of the car, killing the driver and two passengers.一辆卡车撞到轿车侧面,造成司机及两名乘客死亡。The truck bowled along on the smooth road.卡车快而平稳地在平坦的公路上行驶。They corralled the cattle before loading them onto the truck.他们在把牛装上车以前,先把牛赶入畜栏。The car was winched on to the truck.那辆小汽车被吊到了卡车上。A truck rammed the house and pushed it out of kilter.一辆卡车撞在房子上,把它撞得七扭八歪。We wrestled the heavy box onto the truck.我们使劲把那只沉重的箱子搬上卡车。The truck came coughing up the road.卡车沿著公路噗哧噗哧地开过来。He had survived a spectacular crash in a truck race.他在一次卡车比赛的惨烈撞车事故中幸免于难。Their car swerved to avoid a truck, and plunged off the cliff.他们的汽车一个急转弯想避开一辆卡车,却坠下了悬崖。The truck went smash into a goods train.卡车轰隆一声撞上了货运列车。A truck rammed a motorbike.一辆卡车撞了摩托车。Fire spread rapidly after a chemical truck exploded.一辆装有化学品的卡车爆炸后,火势迅速蔓延。Heavy truck traffic disturbed the neighbourhood.重型卡车的来来往往扰乱了这一带的安宁。Taken off guard, Siobhan swerved the car almost into the path of an enormous truck.西沃恩一不留神来了个急转弯,差点儿把车开到一辆大卡车行驶的车道上。He had pimped his truck with new lights and chrome accessories.他装了新的灯和一些镀铬附件,把他的卡车弄得好看了。I threw the truck into reverse.我猛地挂上倒档倒卡车。A truck drove close behind me and flashed its headlights.一辆卡车紧跟在我身后,闪着大灯。A huge truck was advancing towards us, its headlights blazing.一辆大卡车打着刺眼的前灯朝我们直冲过来。We knocked the bed down so it would fit in the truck.我们把床拆开,好把它装上卡车。The truck skidded on/across the icy road.卡车在结冰的路上打滑。Having motored ahead with forceful growth for many years, the truck industry was visibly slackening the pace.卡车产业多年来增长势头迅猛,如今已明显放慢步伐。The truck had gone off the road and toppled over.那辆卡车冲出马路后就翻倒了。Seven people died of thirst after their truck broke down on an isolated desert road.卡车在偏僻的沙漠公路上抛锚后,有七个人死于缺水。The truck was cannibalized for parts.这辆卡车被拆散以取用其零件。The truck has a large metal grille at the front.卡车前部有一个巨大的金属护栅。The truck scarcely made it underneath the low bridge.卡车勉强通过了那座矮桥。The truck sways wildly, careening down narrow mountain roads.卡车疯狂地左右摇摆,从狭窄的山路猛冲下来。It took an hour to couple the trailer to the truck.将拖车挂上货车花了一个小时。First they emptied the truck of its cherries.他们首先清空了卡车上的樱桃。The truck gives you a surprisingly comfortable ride.坐那辆货车会极其舒适。At that moment a truck came rushing around the corner.那时一辆卡车绕过街角冲过来。Bud turned the truck around, and started back for Dalton Pond.巴德把卡车掉头,开始返回多尔顿池。The patrolman stepped out in front of the truck to flag it down.巡警走出来站到卡车前面,挥手示意让它停下。A truck pulled into the loading bay.卡车停进了装卸区。Back the truck up a little more, will you?把卡车再往后倒一点,好吗?The truck used a cable to tow the car.卡车用缆索拖曳汽车。All four people in the car were seriously hurt, but the truck driver walked away without a scratch.汽车上的四人全部都受了重伤,但是卡车司机却平安脱身,毫发未损。He spends hours riding the back roads in his truck.他开着卡车在乡村道路上跑了好几个小时。The bicycle was crushed under the truck's tires.自行车被卡车车轮碾得变了形。An overturned truck caused a traffic tie-up for miles.一辆卡车翻了,造成好几英里的交通堵塞。




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