例句 |
You'll save money on petrol if you drive your car at low speed.汽车低速行驶可以节省油费。The extra weight slowed the truck.超重使卡车低速行驶。The engine slowed to a tick-over.发动机速度下降,开始低速运转。Very slowly he moved forward, the engine ticking over.他慢吞吞地向前开,发动机低速运转着。The plane's engines were ticking over just enough to hold position in the air.飞机的引擎以刚好让飞机保持在空中的低速运转着。The extra weight slowed up the truck.超重使卡车低速行驶。The machine was operating at high/medium/low speed.机器在高/中/低速运转。Low-speed crashes can still prove deadly, especially to children.低速行驶中发生的车祸证明是仍可致命的,尤其是对于儿童来说。 |