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词汇 tripping
例句 She'd had quite a lot to drink and kept tripping over.她喝了很多酒,一次次地跌倒在地。Our attempts at dancing were hilarious - we all kept tripping over each other.我们努力跳舞时的举动真是笑死人了,我们一直相互绊来绊去的。They were tripping the light fantastic all night.他们一整晚都在跳舞。She is tripping along with her little steps.她踏着小步在轻盈地跳舞。One night I was tripping on acid.有一天晚上我服用了迷幻药后正在幻游。They were tripping on acid.他们服用致幻药后产生了幻觉。Worn rugs increase the danger of tripping.磨损的小地毯会使人更容易绊倒。She came tripping lightly down the stairs.她脚步轻捷地走下楼梯。He was sent off for deliberately tripping Robson when he was about to score.他因故意绊倒正要起脚射门得分的罗布森而被罚下场。I found myself tripping over a tangle of wires and cables.我被一团电线和电缆绊了一下。She went tripping along the path.她沿着小路轻快地走。The cables are all bright yellow to prevent you tripping over them.电缆都是亮黄色,以防绊倒人。He came tripping down the stairs.他脚步轻捷地走下楼。The kids came tripping down the stairs.孩子们脚步轻捷地走下楼。He went to close the door, tripping, as he did so, over a pair of boots.他去关门,在去关门的时候给一双靴子绊了一下。The cables are bright yellow to prevent you tripping over them.电缆是亮黄色的,可以避免让人不小心撞上绊倒。




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