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词汇 trashed
例句 The vacuum cleaner couldn't be fixed, so I trashed it.吸尘器修不好了,所以我把它扔了。We need a new map – this one's trashed.我们需要一张新地图 — 这张已经不成样子了。The place got trashed last time we had a party.我们上次搞聚会的时候把这个地方弄得一塌糊涂。The building had been trashed and its electricity supply cut.那栋楼遭到打砸,电被切断。The previous tenants completely trashed the flat.以前的房客把这套公寓全给毁了。Someone had broken in and trashed her apartment.有人闯进来捣乱了她的公寓。That kid of yours has trashed my VCR.你那个宝贝孩子故意弄坏了我的录像机。The boss completely trashed her work, in front of everyone.老板当着众人的面把她的工作批得一无是处。Her teenage kids had a party and the house was trashed.她十几岁的孩子们举办了一场聚会,房子给弄得乱七八糟。By the end of the party he was completely trashed.聚会结束时他烂醉如泥。Man, you were so trashed. How much did you have to drink?你呀,已经醉得这样子了,要喝多少才算个够?The whole place was trashed.整个地方被糟蹋得不成样子了。Two guys got in a fight and trashed the bar.这些人一气之下把酒吧砸了个稀巴烂。The book was a popular success, but it was trashed by highbrow literary critics.这本书大获成功,但却受到自视高雅的文学评论家们的贬低。The critics trashed the new film.评论家抨击了那部新电影。The apartment had been trashed.这公寓已经被毁了。




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