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词汇 black eye
例句 He came in to school with a black eye.他眼眶乌青来到学校。He punched her in the face, giving her a black eye.他一拳打在她脸上,把她的眼眶都打青了。I'd like to know how she came by that black eye.我想知道她眼眶又青又肿是怎么弄的。He punched her in the face at least once giving her a black eye.他朝她脸上打了至少一拳,把她的眼眶都打青了。The scandal gave the team a black eye. 丑闻损毁了这支队伍的声誉。Uncle George got a black eye for ogling a lady in the pub.乔治叔叔在酒店里对一女士抛媚眼而被打黑了一只眼睛。He gave me a black eye. 他打得我眼圈发青。He had a fight at school and came home with a black eye.他在学校里打架了,回家时眼眶青肿。His black eye was evidence that he had been in a fight.他眼圈上的乌青证明他曾跟人打了一架。I'll tell Daddy, and then you'll be sorry because he'll give you another black eye.我会告诉爸爸,到时候有你好受的,因为爸爸会再揍你一顿。If you say that again, I'll give you a black eye.要是你再那么说,我就把你打得眼青鼻肿。He asked if I'd got my black eye in a fight - I told him the prosaic truth that I'd banged my head on a door.他问我眼睛是不是在打架时给打青的——我告诉他事情很简单,是头撞在门上弄的。He got his black eye courtesy of a bloke he insulted at the bar last night.他的乌青眼是因为昨天晚上在酒吧辱骂了一个大汉。Her black eye and bruises were undeniable evidence of his cruelty.她的黑眼圈和瘀伤是他虐待的明证。He's got a black eye.他眼眶青肿。That black eye you got in the fight is a beauty!瞧你被打得眼青鼻肿,真漂亮极啦! I had never punched anybody in my life but I hit out and gave him a black eye.我一生中从未打过人,但我却动手打青了他的一只眼睛。She had a fat lip and a black eye.她嘴唇肿胀,一只眼睛乌青。




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