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词汇 行使
例句 The students are seeking to exercise their rights.学生们在争取行使自己的权利。The judge exercised his discretion rightly to admit the evidence.法官正确地行使了决定权,接受了该项证据。The President hasn't yet used his veto pen.总统尚未行使否决权。Her travels in Asia have made her a lot more independent.亚洲之行使她自立了许多。The governor's veto kept the bill from becoming a law.由于总督行使了否决权,这项提案未成为法律。He invoked his Fifth Amendment privileges.行使了《第五修正案》赋予他的特权。They are deprived of the ability to exercise the most rudimentary workers' rights.他们被剥夺了行使最基本的工人权利的资格。The trip completely bushed her.行使她筋疲力尽。When the invasion occurred he ruled as a puppet of the occupiers.外敌入侵时,他作为占领者的傀儡行使统治。The landlord enforced his right to enter the property.房东行使了进入房产的权利。The suspect invoked his right to an attorney.嫌疑犯行使了请律师为自己辩护的权利。The president has been able to assert his ultimate supremacy over the prime minister.总统行使了高于总理的最高决策权。Jet travel has made moving from place to place less of an ordeal.乘飞机旅行使人们感到从一个地方到另一个地方不那么折磨人了。His duties devolved on his deputy.他所负的职责移交给副手行使He is prepared to use his recently-acquired powers to introduce reform by presidential decree.他准备行使其新近获得的权力,发布总统政令以推行改革。I swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States.我宣誓我会竭尽忠诚地行使美国总统的职责。The President threatened to use his veto over the bill.总统威胁要对这个议案行使否决权。This voyage was his first taste of freedom.这次航行使他初次体验到了自由的滋味。The local authority exercises parental rights over the children until foster homes are found.在找到收养家庭前,地方当局对孩子行使家长权。The option must be exercised within five years.买卖选择权必须在五年之内行使Each of us has a vote-if we choose to exercise it.我们如果决定行使这个权利,每个人手中都有一张选票。Many people are exercising their right to leave the state pension plan.许多人都在行使自己的权利脱离国家养老金计划。The UN court has no jurisdiction over non-members.联合国法庭对非成员国不能行使其裁判权。The new rules governing freedom of information will allow the Sir Humphreys of Whitehall to exercise effective power without being subject to public scrutiny.新的新闻自由法规将使白厅的高级文官能够行使有效权力而不受公众审查。Everyone should use his democratic right to vote.每个人都应该行使自己投票的民主权利。The detour caused much confusion. 这样绕行使很多人辨不清路。The plaintiff's right to set aside the deed is barred by laches.原告解约的权利由于迟迟不予行使而不得再行提出。The court may exercise its jurisdiction to compel the husband to make a settlement upon his wife.法院可以行使司法权强制丈夫给予其妻子财产。The commander-in-chief exercises supreme authority within his zone.总司令在自己的辖域内行使至高无上的权力。The president used his executive discretion to pardon the two men.总统行使自己的行政酌处权赦免了这两个人。During the investigation, the President invoked executive privilege.在调查中,总统行使了行政特权。In extreme situations, the police chief may invoke emergency powers.在极端情况下,警察局长可以行使紧急情况下的职权。In practice it is difficult for the President to exercise his authority.实际上总统很难行使其权力。The deputy director is authorized to act in the director's absence.副主任被授权在主任缺位时行使管理权。The two countries ran parallel administrations on the island.这两个国家在那岛上行使平行的行政权。The all-powerful steering committee continued to exercise control.大权在握的指导委员会继续行使控制权。They were exercising their lawful right to protest.他们行使自己合法的抗议权利。The President exercised his power as commander in chief to deploy forces in the region.总统行使最高统帅权力,下令在这一地区部署兵力。You can of course exercise your prerogative to leave at any time.您当然可以行使您的特权,随时可以离开。She hasn't been reluctant to exert her authority.她一直乐于行使她的权威。




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