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词汇 行事
例句 She acted in passive obedience to her boss's directions.她被动地遵照老板的指示行事He's not a joiner. He prefers to do things by himself.他不爱参加社团。他更喜欢独自行事They act in unthinking conformity to customs.他们总是一味地按风俗习惯行事You're acting entirely within your rights.你完全是在你的权利范围内行事We cannot have a double standard where we say everybody else must play by the rules, but we do not need to.我们不能采用双重标准,即要求别人必须按章行事而我们自己却不必如此。The government has behaved with crass insensitivity.该政府行事愚蠢而且麻木不仁。It's in your power to change the way things are done here.你有能力改变这里行事的方式。He has the keen eye and robust approach needed.他具备了所需的敏锐的洞察力和坚定的行事态度。We conformed with social and family expectations.我们遵从社会和家庭的期望行事It was determined that the Commissioner had been acting within the scope of his official duties.警察局长被认定是在自己的职责范围内行事I acted on my own judgment.我按自己的判断行事He never acts blindly.他从不盲目行事A methodical man always plans his work in a deliberate manner.一个有条理的人总是从容不迫地按计划行事I acted purely on instinct.我完全是凭直觉行事Some legal experts think the agency may have exceeded its authority.一些法律专家认为该机构也许越权行事了。The feeling among the grassroots of the Party is that the leaders are not radical enough.这个政党的广大基层党员感到他们的领导行事不够彻底。The major powers have chosen to act under the moral umbrella of the United Nations.世界主要大国都选择在联合国的道义框架下行事The council must proceed on the basis of the vote.委员会必须根据投票结果继续行事I can choose to ignore these extraneous thoughts or certainly choose not to act on them.我可以选择无视这些无关的想法,当然也可以选择不按这些想法行事Until they make their decision, we're just playing a waiting game.在他们做决定之前,我们只能是伺机行事He could not have behaved otherwise than he did.他本来就只能这样行事As people get older, they often become set in their ways.随着年岁渐长,人们行事也往往一成不变起来。They may act foolishly or negligently.他们可能会干傻事或者大意行事We have to act within the existing legal framework.我们必须在现行的法律框架下行事I followed the instructions to the letter and it still went wrong.我严格按指令行事,但还是出了问题。If he wanted a loan he would have to play by the bank's rules.如果他想贷款的话,必须按银行的规定行事I have only ever followed my conscience.我不过是一直凭着自己的良心行事罢了。You should not always follow your nose once you step into the world.一旦你进入社会,就不能总是凭本能行事He acted with great nobility of purpose.他怀着崇高的目的行事In the army, you learn to do things by the numbers.在军队里,你要学着一切按规矩行事She gets people to do whatever she wants: she's a force of nature. 她总是要求别人按照她的想法行事:她天生强势。She watched his lips carefully and took her cue from him.她紧盯着他的嘴唇,照他的吩咐行事I'm not sure about the legalities, but I suggest we go ahead with the plan and see what happens.我不太了解法律要求,但我建议我们先按计划行事,然后再看看会有什么后果。The circumstances are tragic but we have to act within the law.事情令人痛心,但我们必须在法律范畴内行事They both played the game according to the rules.他们俩都依章行事It's incredible that Peter can behave with such stupid lack of feeling.彼得行事如此麻木不仁,真是难以置信。It may not always be practicable to follow exactly the recommendations.完全按照建议行事并非总能行得通。The major powers have chosen to act under the moral umbrella of the United Nations.世界各个大国都选择在联合国的道义保护伞下行事If the profession wishes to restore its reputation, it must get its act together.如果该行业想要恢复声誉,就必须行事有章法。Well, physicians make judgment calls every day.其实,医生们每天都会按照自己的本能判断行事




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