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词汇 行人
例句 The pavement was slippery and it was easy to fall over.这条人行道很滑,行人很容易跌倒。The pedestrian who had nearly been run over reported the incident to the police.那位差点儿被撞倒的行人向警方报告了此事。She felt foolish hurrying along beside him, dodging the pedestrians.她觉得和他一起边躲避行人边向前赶路是件很傻的事。Pedestrians were splashed to the hip in muddy slush.行人走在泥浆中,下半身全溅上了污泥。Traffic will be diverted through the side streets while the main road is resurfaced.这条主干道重铺路面时,车辆行人将被分流到侧路通行。The small roads are chock-a-block with traffic.条条小路全挤满了车马行人His van allegedly struck two pedestrians.据说他的货车撞了两个行人All afternoon he sauntered up and down, looking at the shops and the people.整个下午他四处闲逛,瞧瞧商店,看看行人The traffic is usually lighter on Sundays.通常,周日的行人车辆会少一些。The noisy traffic on our street is a constant annoyance.在我们那条街上,行人车辆的噪声吵得人始终不得安生。Banning traffic from the shopping areas has made life much more pleasant for pedestrians.购物区禁止车辆通行使行人活动舒适多了。The sidewalks are bustling with people.人行道上的行人熙熙攘攘。Pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists are particularly vulnerable on the road.在公路上,行人、骑自行车的人和骑摩托车的人很容易受伤。You must yield to pedestrians in the crosswalk.在人行横道上你必须给行人让道。The lorry driver escaped unhurt, but a pedestrian was injured.卡车司机安然脱险,但有一位行人受了伤。The car slid off the road and almost hit a group of pedestrians.这辆车滑到路边,差点撞到一群行人We have to teach drivers to respect pedestrians.我们必须教育司机尊重行人The residents of Hollyhurst Road complained that cars parked there were a hazard to pedestrians.霍利赫斯特路的居民抱怨说停在那里的汽车对行人是个威胁。More than a third of all pedestrian injuries are to children.超过三分之一的受伤行人是儿童。Cars must give way to pedestrians.汽车必须给行人让路。In the daytime I could hear the hubbub of the traffic.白天我能听到来往车辆行人的喧闹声。All traffic is being redirected to avoid this stretch of the motorway.车辆行人被指挥改道以绕开这一段高速干道。We sit in the café and watch the people passing by.我们坐在咖啡屋里,看着来来往往的行人They tried to segregate pedestrians and vehicles.他们试图把行人和机动车辆分流。The traffic turned the snow to slush.来往的车辆行人把雪压成了雪泥。The traffic was relatively light at this hour.来往的行人车辆在这个时刻比较稀少。It was so slippery that some of the walkers linked arms and proceeded very carefully.地面太滑了,有些行人挽着彼此的胳膊小心翼翼地前行。The village's roads are choked with traffic.村里的路上挤满了车辆行人This area has a lot of pedestrian traffic. 这个地区有很多行人One can no longer walk the streets without seeing beggars importuning passers-by.走在街道上,随处可见乞丐纠缠行人乞讨。Passers-by in the area have been treated to some high-quality busking.路过这一带的行人听到过水平很高的街头演唱。Pedestrians press along the pavements.行人们在人行道上熙熙攘攘地走去。 A handful of pedestrians walked down empty sidewalks.寥寥几个行人走在空荡荡的边道上。We need a new road to siphon off some of the traffic from the town center.我们需要一条新路分流市中心的行人车辆。The area is open to cyclists and pedestrians.该区域允许骑自行车者和行人通行。The man lost control of his car, killing a pedestrian.那个男子驾车失控,撞死一名行人This intersection is unsafe for pedestrians.行人过这个十字路口没有安全保障。He drove through streets empty of traffic.他开车穿过一条条车辆行人稀少的街道。The death rate for pedestrians hit by cars is unacceptably high.遭遇车祸的行人死亡率之高令人无法接受。One can no longer walk the streets without seeing beggars importuning passers by.走在街上总能看到乞丐纠缠行人乞讨。




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