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词汇 toxic
例句 This chemical is toxic to many forms of life.这种化学品对很多生物都有毒害。There is a risk that toxic chemicals might be blasted into the atmosphere.爆炸后有毒化学物质可能会进入大气层。The substance is so toxic that even a minute dose of it could be fatal.这种物质毒性很强,即使是极少的剂量也会致命。People should be encouraged to buy smaller, more economical cars with fewer toxic emissions.应该鼓励人们购买有毒烟气排放量小的经济型车辆。The factory had accidentally released a quantity of toxic waste into the sea.这家工厂意外泄漏大量有毒废物到海中。Much toxic waste had built up in his bloodstream.他的血液里聚集了很多有毒的废物。 This is standard procedure for getting rid of toxic waste.这是清除毒物的标准步骤。The level of toxic chemicals was within the prescribed limits.有毒化学制品的等级在规定的限度之内。The toxic fumes imperiled the lives of the trapped miners.有毒气体危及被困矿工的生命安全。Their aim is to reduce the toxic levels of vehicle exhaust emissions.他们的目标是降低汽车排放尾气的毒性。Various toxic substances have been dumped in the ocean.多种有毒物质被倾倒进海洋。The law prohibits the burial of toxic substances without special permits.法律禁止未经特别许可填埋有毒物质。Crops are sprayed with highly toxic chemicals to prevent insect damage.农作物喷上了毒性很大的化学药品以预防虫害。The release of these toxic substances into the environment is potentially devastating.把这些有毒物质释放到环境中会产生潜在的危害。The factory sends out toxic gases into the surrounding countryside.这家工厂向周围村庄排放有毒气体。The company was fined for dumping toxic waste into the river.公司因往河里倾倒有毒废弃物被罚款。The government has announced a ban on all imports of toxic waste from abroad.政府已宣布禁止从国外进口有毒废料。The government is planning to tighten up regulations governing the transport of toxic waste.政府正计划收紧对运送有毒废弃物的监管条例。Large parts of the Mediterranean are still polluted with toxic waste.地中海的大部分海域仍受到有毒废弃物的污染。The company had illegally dumped toxic waste.这个公司非法倾倒有毒废料。These products are not toxic to humans.这些产品对人体无害。Nuclear-weapons plants across the country are heavily contaminated with toxic waste.有毒废弃物严重污染了全国的核武器工厂。Nuclear weapons plants across the country are heavily contaminated with toxic wastes.全国的核武器工厂均受到了有毒废弃物的严重污染。Significant exposures to toxic compounds present unacceptable risks.大量接触有毒化合物会带来可怕的危险。These factories are releasing toxic gases into the atmosphere.这些工厂向大气中排放有毒气体。These drugs are quite toxic and hinder the body's ability to fight off infection.这些药品毒性很大,会削弱身体对感染的抵抗力。Beware how you handle the toxic chemical.小心处理有毒的化学药品。Oil spills are common, as is the dumping of toxic industrial wastes.溢油现象很常见,就像倾倒有毒工业废料一样。Local communities are campaigning against the dumping of toxic waste.当地社区正在进行反对倾倒有毒垃圾的运动。When toxic fumes began to drift toward our homes, we were told to evacuate.当有毒烟雾开始朝我们住宅区方向飘移时,我们被通知撤离。The shelters are designed to resist heat and toxic fumes.这些掩体是用来抗热和抵挡有毒烟雾的。Even a small amount of rain can leach the toxic material from the soil.即使少量的雨水也能够将土壤里的有毒物质过滤掉。Unfortunately these drugs are quite toxic and hinder the body's ability to fight off infection.可惜的是,这些药物毒性很大,会削弱身体对感染的抵抗力。Lead can accumulate in the body until toxic levels are reached.铅会在体内积聚直至造成铅中毒。We need more installations for the disposal of toxic waste.我们需要更多的设备来处理有毒废料。Cadmium is a toxic waste product of the electronics industry.镉是电子工业产生的一种有毒废物。Highly toxic dioxins were released into the air.有剧毒的二恶英被排放到了空气里。The mucous membranes filter out dust and toxic substances.黏膜会过滤掉灰尘和有毒物质。They needed medical treatment after breathing in toxic fumes.他们吸入毒气后需要治疗。The government decided to prohibit the import of toxic waste.政府决定禁止有毒废品的进口。




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