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The grey light and the flatness of the river made it hard to work out distances.光线暗淡,河面水平,很难测出距离。He scrutinized the men's faces carefully/closely, trying to work out who was lying.他仔细端详这些男人的脸,想弄清谁在撒谎。It took me some time to work out what was causing this.我花了一些时间才弄清此事的起因。They're hoping to work out an agreement well ahead of the deadline.他们希望在最后期限之前尽早制订出一份协议。That argument apart, it is for the Germans themselves to work out how their forces should come together.撇开那场纷争不谈,德国人自己也应该考虑一下如何将各种力量拧成一股绳。We finally got down to brass tacks and decided to work out a schedule for the project.我们最终谈到了实质性问题,决定制订项目进度表。The city authorities are trying to work out a practical solution to the problem of homelessness.市政府正在设法制定一个切实可行的办法,以解决无家可归者的问题。I don't know if our relationship is going to work out. I'm taking things day by day at this point.我不知道我们的关系是否会有结果。眼下只能慢慢来。The two countries are trying to work out a peace deal with the whole world watching.两国在全世界的关注下力图达成和平协议。The two teams should get together and try to work out a joint solution.两个团队应该聚在一起讨论,以找出一个共同的解决方案。It is proving hard to work out the value of bankrupt firms' assets.估算破产公司的资产价值其实很困难。Every night he goes to work out with the other gym rats.他每天晚上都去和其他健身爱好者一起锻炼。I did some quick mental maths to work out the difference.我快速心算了一下以得出差值。I just don't know if things are going to work out.我根本不清楚事情发展是否顺利。Use this budget planner to work out what you can afford.用这个预算编制程序算算你能承担得了多少。After he simmered down, we were able to work out a solution to the problem.他平静下来后,我们得以找到了解决问题的方法。He has failed to work out a coherent strategy for modernising the service.他未能制定出一条连贯的策略来实现服务的现代化。If we go by taxi, it's going to work out very expensive.要是我们坐出租车去,算下来要不少钱。Doctors often have to work out of hours.医生经常要在正常上班以外的时间工作。From the evidence gathered from witnesses we should be able to work out what happened that night.根据从证人那里搜集到的证据来看,我们应该能搞清楚那晚发生什么事了。It is highly necessary to work out an emergency package.制定一整套应急措施是非常必要的。They would first have to work out some scheme for getting the treasure out.他们首先得想个法子把财宝取出来。Negotiators are due to meet later today to work out a compromise.谈判人员定于今天晚些时候进行会谈,商定一个折中方案。I don't agree with him to work out the debt.我不同意他以做工抵债。Detectives are still trying to work out what happened.侦探们仍在努力调查事情的真相。We'll have to work out a budget so we can buy a new car.我们得制订一个开支计划,以便能买辆新车。Do I have to work out my notice?我一定要工作满通知期吗?That's something you will have to work out for yourself.那是需要你自己解决的事。I always use a calculator to work out percentages.我总是用计算器来算百分比。They tend to throw money at problems without trying to work out the best solution.他们往往遇到困难就大把花钱,而不是尽力去找出最好的解决办法。We need to work out how much food we'll need to take with us.我们得算一下得带多少食物。With conventional insurance policies it is difficult to work out accurately the replacement value of your possessions.在传统的保险条款下,很难准确计算财产的重置价值。Chapman was left with the freedom to work out his grand designs.查普曼可自由制定出自己的宏伟计划。We need to work out the seating plan for the wedding.我们需要排出婚礼座位图。It's not difficult to work out the answer - you just have to use your common sense.找出答案并不难,只需用用你的常识。We need to work out the total cost of the project.我们需要算出这项工程的总造价。It takes imagination and intellect to work out precisely what to do with it.要有应变能力和聪明才智才能想出到底应该怎么办。It doesn't take much brain to work out that both stories can't be true.用不着多想就知道两种说法都不可能是真的。The three parties will meet next month to work out remaining differences.三方将在下个月会面,以解决余下的分歧。We'll have to work out how much food we'll need for the party.我们必须算出这次聚会需要多少食物。 |