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词汇 不休
例句 Why don't you take a few days' leave?你为什么不休几天假?The children are always arguing.孩子们老是吵个不休The estate is not settled because the family is still feuding over the will.由于这家人仍对遗嘱争执不休,所以遗产问题尚未得到解决。We plied the stranger with questions but got no change out of him.我们向那个陌生人问个不休,可是一点儿也探听不出什么消息。The trouble is once Dad gets started on a subject, he tends to ramble.麻烦的是爸爸一旦开始谈论什么,他往往会东拉西扯地说个不休The party was torn apart by wrangles over fiscal policy.该党内部因为在财政政策上争执不休而出现了分裂。Mum and I used to fall out a lot.妈妈和我过去常常吵个不休She will flounce and argue when asked to leave the room.要是让她离开房间,她会暴跳如雷,吵闹不休He would argue and eff all afternoon.他常会整个下午争论不止,咒骂不休Matthew kept on arguing his point, unwilling to concede defeat.马修为自己的观点辩个不休,不肯认输。Most of the negotiations end up with the basic all-or-nothing argument.多数谈判往往以基本立场绝不妥协辩论不休而告终。They're still arguing over the details of the contract.他们仍在对合同的细节争执不休He hated the shrill demands of the children.他很讨厌孩子们吵嚷个不休地要这要那。There has been heated debate about whether the movie should be allowed.关于是否准许放映这部影片一直激辩不休




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