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例句 Around the walls in words and pictures are the stories of various Brisbane residents.墙壁上图文并茂地讲述了布里斯班各类居民的故事。The book recounts his many moments of glory on the gridiron.这本书讲述他在橄榄球球场上的风云岁月。The boy proceeded to tell us about his trip.男孩开始向我们讲述他的旅行。The author does not tell us what happens to the characters. We have to use our imagination.作者没有讲述这些人物的命运。我们只好发挥我们的想象力。Don't miss this opportunity to hear Kim speak about her experiences.这次演讲,金会讲述亲身经历,机会难得,不要错过。His book tells of an environmental apocalypse.他的书讲述了一场生态环境灾难。He recounted how heavily armed soldiers forced him from the presidential palace.讲述了自己是怎样被全副武装的士兵从总统官邸里赶出来的。In the one-day workshop, she taught us the importance of breathing exercises.在为期一天的讲习班上,她向我们讲述了呼吸练习的重要性。Their story is the subject of a new book titled 'The Golden Thirteen'.一本题为《金色十三》的新书讲述了他们的故事。The novel deals with a teenage girl's journey towards womanhood.这部小说讲述的是一个十几岁的女孩走向成年的经历。They were evangelizing about the importance of saving energy.他们在讲述节约能源的重要性。Speaking through a translator, Li told of his early life.李通过翻译员讲述了自己早年的生活。Ramona brought in a fossil for show and tell.拉蒙娜带了一块化石去上展示和讲述课。The book tells of the boys’ rapid descent into savagery, and the use of torture and terror.本书讲述这些男孩子很快堕落到野蛮的地步,并使用拷打和恐怖手段。The documentary turned the spotlight on the low wages paid to manual workers.这个纪录片重点讲述体力劳动者面对的工资过低问题。Do you want me to run through the details with you?你想让我向你快速讲述一遍细节吗?In a rasping voice, she told of her long and agonising battle.她用粗嘎的声音讲述了自己长期而痛苦的抗争。Her father had a gleam in his eyes as he told the story.她父亲讲述这个故事时眼中流露出幸福感。The teller of this tale is expertly solemn.这个故事的讲述人有着说书人特有的严肃表情。His stories about his sexual experimentation were more bravado than fact.讲述的那些自己进行性尝试的事,更多的是吹嘘而非事实。The book explains the sequence of events in engrossing detail.这本书通过引人入胜的细节讲述了整个事件的经过。His relation of his adventure fascinated us.讲述的关于自己的冒险经历使我们听入了迷。He spoke with missionary zeal about the project. 他以极大的热情讲述这项计划。Davis related that the three girls were pretty; further, that before the ship sailed they had all acquired admirers.戴维斯讲述说那三个女孩很漂亮;此外,他还讲到船还没起航,她们就都有了追求者。Raymond Blanc, star of nouvelle cuisine, tells Paul Bailey about the philosophy behind his cooking.新式烹饪大师雷蒙德‧布兰克给保罗‧贝利讲述自己的烹饪哲学。He needs to calm down enough to tell police about the accident.他需要稳定一下情绪,再向警方讲述事故的经过。The booklet gives you the real deal on smoking.这本小册子给你讲述关于吸烟的事实真相。His fourth novel is a murder mystery set in London.他的第四部小说讲述的是一起发生在伦敦的神秘谋杀案。He launched forth into a colourful description of the journey.他开始绘声绘色地讲述他的旅程。She told her life story to him. 她向他讲述了自己的人生经历。The couple spoke about how they would co-operate in the raising of their child.这对夫妇讲述了他们将如何共同抚养孩子。He held forth for hours on that subject.他一连几个钟头滔滔不绝地讲述那个问题。She spoke authoritatively about the history of the building.她以权威的口吻讲述了这座建筑的历史。The children were enthralled by the story she was telling.孩子们被她讲述的故事迷住了。The author narrates her story in great detail.作者十分详细地讲述了她的故事。He talked expansively of his travels.他详细讲述了他的旅行经历。Before the bottle was a third empty, he began to tell me the story.瓶里的酒还没喝掉三分之一,他就开始对我讲述那件事了。The book is narrated by Richard Papen, a Californian boy.这本书是以一个叫理查德·巴本的加利福尼亚男孩的口吻讲述的。She tells the story of that night with self-deprecating humour.她以幽默自嘲的口吻讲述那一夜的故事。She made history come alive with tales from her own memories.通过讲述自己记忆中的故事,她把逝去的岁月变得生动起来。




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