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词汇 讲话
例句 His interjection of amusing stories into his speech made it more interesting.他插入了一些有趣的故事,使讲话听起来更加有味。It is a discourtesy to interrupt another person's remarks.打断别人讲话是无礼的举动。A political row has blown up over the minister's remarks.一场针对部长讲话的政治争吵开始了。He loves to hear himself talk.他喜欢听自己讲话In a later speech, the minister admitted he had been wrong.在后来的一次讲话中,部长承认自己错了。The director ended her speech on a cautionary note, when she said that next year would be even harder than this year.董事最后以警告的语气结束她的讲话,说明年将比今年更加艰难。He rounds off by proposing a toast to the attendants.他向所有出席者祝酒,结束了讲话The couple behind us kept distracting everyone by talking during the movie.在看电影时,我们后面的两个人不停地讲话干扰了大家。Jim talked rudely to Mother, and Father pulled him up.吉姆跟母亲讲话没礼貌,父亲责备了他。The President's speech was hailed as a conciliatory gesture toward business.总统的讲话被视为对商界的安抚性表示,受到了欢迎。He spoke sententiously.讲话带有说教的味道。Will you be doing more talks in the future or was that just a one-off?你将来还要作多次的讲话还是只此一次?Directly after the meeting, a senior cabinet minister spoke to the BBC.会议刚刚结束,一名高级内阁部长就在英国广播公司的电台上发表了讲话He is a foreigner, as is evident from his accent.他是外国人这一点从他讲话的口音就可分辨出来。Press the buzzer and speak into the intercom.按蜂音器,对着对讲机讲话His speech was broadcast on national radio.他的讲话在国家电台播出。He was no fool, despite talk to the contrary.尽管他讲话有点蠢钝,可他一点也不傻。I can scarcely hear you.我几乎听不见你讲话Talking calmly to a screaming child sounds like a good idea, but any parent will tell you it's easier said than done.对尖声叫喊的小孩要平心静气地讲话听起来像是个好主意,但任何一个做父母的都会告诉你这事是说来容易做来难。I made a few notes of the main points I wanted to cover in the speech.我把讲话中要涉及的几处要点做了笔记。What licence did I have to talk?我还有什么讲话的自由呢?When you were talking to Barbara, did she mention her mother at all?你和芭芭拉讲话时,她有没有提到她的母亲?The sales manager gave the salesmen a rousing pep talk before the sale.减价开始之前,业务经理向售货员讲话,激励士气。Can you read me now?现在你能听到我讲话吗?He began his remarks with a prayer.讲话前先进行了祷告。His speech that day was short and sweet.他那天的讲话简短而愉快。He has a good ear for accents and can usually tell where a speaker comes from.他对口音有灵敏的辨别力,通常能听出讲话人来自哪儿。I didn't want to interrupt him when he was in full flow.在他滔滔不绝地讲话的时候,我不想打断他。He spoke before the ultra-right-wing Heritage Foundation on Thursday.星期四他向极右翼的传统基金会发表了讲话His speech gave offence to those present.他的讲话得罪了在场的人。They all tried to talk at one time.他们同时抢着讲话She shouldn't have spoken to him so rudely.她本不该如此粗鲁地跟他讲话She spoke in a clear, deliberate manner/way.讲话条理清晰,从容不迫。When he speaks, everybody listens.讲话时大家都在倾听。He stopped speaking, struck by a sudden thought.他突然产生了一个想法,便停止了讲话The speech was accorded a standing ovation.全体起立为讲话热烈鼓掌欢呼。The President gave a pep talk to House members.总统向众议员们讲话,给他们打气。He spoke in a flat, tired voice.讲话的声音平淡而疲惫。The speech received much comment in the press.这一讲话引发了了媒体的热议。I don't know why they won't talk to me. I didn't know I'd been sent to Coventry.我不知道他们为什么不跟我讲话,我不知道我已被孤立起来了。




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