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词汇 to sample
例句 I like to sample a life in the country.我想体验一下乡村生活。His job is to sample products for defects.他的工作是抽样检查产品的瑕疵。As the food looked so good, he decided to sample a little from each dish.这些食物看起来很诱人,于是他决定每样菜都尝一点儿。If your goods are up to sample, they should sell readily in the market.如果你们的货跟样品的质量一样好,那末它们在市场上应该有很好的销路。Shivering tourists had congregated in the only open bar in town. Some, desperate for the sun, headed down to Lisbon, while the rest of us decided to sample the sea air of Biarritz.瑟瑟发抖的游客们聚集在城里唯一一家还在营业的酒吧里。有些想晒太阳的,便动身去了里斯本,而我们其余的人决定去体验一下比亚里茨的海风。You get to sample lots of baked things and take home masses of cookies besides.您不仅可以品尝各种烘烤糕点,还可以带很多饼干回家。Yuri invited me to sample some of Osaka's more unusual restaurants.尤里邀请我去尝尝大阪的一些较独特的餐厅。




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