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词汇 to remember
例句 The reunion is an opportunity for the soldiers to remember their past glories.这次重聚给了老兵们一个缅怀他们昔日赫赫战功的机会。He would want you to remember him as he was in former years.他会希望你记住他早年的样子。When used for illustrative purposes, it is important to remember that a good case study cannot make up for weak concepts and ideas.用来进行说明时,重要的是要牢记好的案例分析无法弥补毫无说服力的概念和观点的不足。Anyone old enough to remember the war will know how important radio was.任何年纪大到能记得这场战争的人都会知道无线电有多么重要。Oddly enough, he didn't seem to remember his own birthday.说也奇怪,他似乎不记得自己的生日。It was kind of you to remember my birthday.你真好,记得我的生日。He cast back in his mind to remember when exactly he had last seen her.他在回忆上次他见到她的确切时间。You're still only a junior employee in this business, and you'd do well to remember that.你还只是这家公司的一个低级雇员,你最好还是记住这一点。We need to remember that the fruits of the earth belong to us all.我们要牢记大地的馈赠是属于我们大家的。I drew a blank when I tried to remember his name.我努力回忆他的名字,但怎么也想不起来。It was really thoughtful of you to remember my birthday.你真是细心,还记得我的生日。Bravery is the thing he left behind for posterity to remember him by.勇武是他留给后代缅怀的品质。I've been doing this job for more years than I care to remember.我已经记不清干这个工作有多久了。We'll give everyone a night to remember.我们将带给大家一个难忘的夜晚。The two words sound alike, so it's hard to remember which is which.这两个词听起来很像,所以很难记住哪个是哪个。She began to rack her brains to remember what had happened at the nursing home.她开始绞尽脑汁地回忆在疗养院发生的事。The police pressed her to remember all the details.警方催促她回忆所有的细节。It's important to remember friends and family who have passed on.纪念去世的家人和朋友是很重要的。She agreed to be hypnotized to try to remember what had happened.她同意接受催眠以尝试去回想发生过什么事。I try to remember to count my blessings every day.我尽量每天都细数自己所拥有的幸福。I want people to remember Elvis in concert.我希望大家记住现场演唱会上的猫王。Babies are the most difficult patients to remember. They all have the same tiny, unformed features which seem to stretch and change every five minutes.婴儿是最难记住的病号。他们那小小的五官都还没有发育成形,似乎每五分钟就会长大变化。Please give me time to remember.请给我时间回忆。She asked her grandfather to remember her in his will.她要祖父在遗嘱中给她留下遗赠。It was nice of you to remember my birthday.你能记得我的生日真是太好了。The new company will need to have a name that trips off the tongue and is easy to remember.这家新公司需要取一个顺口易记的名字。The most important thing to remember about fish is to buy it really fresh.买鱼最要紧的是要买活蹦乱跳的。I'll make it a birthday to remember.我将使这成为一个难忘的生日。I try to remember all the good times I've had here.我试着回忆在这里度过的所有美好时光。He was too high on drugs and alcohol to remember them.他吸毒酗酒后处于极度亢奋状态,都已经记不得他们了。It is important to remember that each person reacts differently.重要的是要记住每个人的反应不同。I'm trying to remember how the theme tune goes.我在尽力回忆主旋律是什么样的。It's important that you remember to send these forms on time. = It's important for you to remember to send these forms on time.务必要记得按时送出这些表格。If a story is personally relevant, people are more likely to remember it.如果一个故事与某人相关,人们更可能记住它。It was a day to remember. 那是个值得纪念的日子。I began to remember happy memories from my childhood.我开始想起童年的幸福时光。I seem to remember that Sam told a number of lies.我似乎记得萨姆说过一些谎话。He racked his brains trying to remember where he had seen her before.他绞尽脑汁试图回忆起曾在哪里见过她。I told him to take a grip on himself and to remember that he was sent to university to work, not to play.我告诉他要控制住自己,记住他是来大学读书,而不是来玩的。These tunes are easy to remember.这些曲子容易记住。




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