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词汇 rule out
例句 We must, as I said, take care not to rule in or rule out any one solution.正如我说过的,我们必须注意不要肯定或否定任何一种解决方案。The Prime Minister yesterday ruled out Government action to hold down petrol prices.首相昨天表示政府不会采取行动抑制汽油价格上涨。The Government has ruled out the building of a new airport on a greenfield site.政府禁止在一块未开发地皮上建设新机场的。This theory cannot be ruled out altogether.这一理论不能完全不予考虑。The police have ruled out suicide.警方已经排除了自杀的可能。There are some diseases your doctor will want to rule out before making a diagnosis.在做出诊断结论之前,医生先要排除某些疾病的可能性。Mark's serious physical condition ruled out our trip to Hungary that year.马克严重的身体状况使那年的匈牙利之旅无法成行。Local detectives have ruled out foul play.当地的侦探已排除了谋杀的可能性。At the last town council meeting, her proposal was ruled out of order by the mayor.在镇议会终审会上,她的建议被镇长裁定为违反程序。Flying was ruled out on grounds of cost.乘飞机因为费用的原因被排除了。The injured prizefighter refused to rule out the possibility that he could fight again.这位受伤的职业拳击家拒绝排除再度出战的可能性。The Government has ruled out the building of a new airport on a greenfield site.政府已经排除了在未开发的地皮上建设新机场的可能性。He has been ruled out of the match with a knee injury.他因为膝盖受伤不能参加比赛。He had a goal ruled out for offside.他的射门因越位被判无效。Some were obviously unsuitable and could be ruled out at once. Others were borderline cases.一些明显不合适,可以马上排除。另一些则勉强合格。Experts have not ruled out the possibility of a complete meltdown.专家们还没有排除反应炉核心完全熔毁的可能性。He has not ruled out the shock possibility of a return to football.他没有排除有一天会出惊人决定重返足坛。We shouldn't rule out a Democrat victory yet. These things have a habit of changing just when you least expect it.我们现在还不能排除民主党获胜的可能,这种事情经常在你最意想不到的时候发生变化。She ruled out the legalisation of drugs.她排除了毒品合法化的可能性。Police said arson could not be ruled out.警方说不能排除有人纵火的可能性。The witness's comment was ruled out of order by the judge.目击者的话被法官裁定为违反了法庭规程。Watson's goal was ruled out for offside, despite replays later revealing the player was onside.沃森的进球被判越位无效,尽管事后录像回放证明他没有越位。The bad weather ruled out a picnic.坏天气使野餐取消了。We cannot rule out the possibility of mistaken identity.我们不能排除有认错人的可能。The MP's remarks were ruled out of order.该议员的言论被裁定为违反章程。She ruled out the legalization of drugs.她排除了毒品合法化的可能性。Mr Brown has not ruled out the possibility of standing as an independent.布朗先生并没有排除作为无党派人士参选的可能性。He firmly ruled out that he had met with Rosaline.他坚决否认曾与罗莎琳接触过。Murder cannot be ruled out.不排除谋杀的可能性。He ruled out any exchange of prisoners with the militants.他决不考虑与激进分子交换俘虏。This recent wave of terrorism has ruled out any chance of peace talks.最近的这一波恐怖行动已经使得任何和谈的机会都化为泡影。The Prime Minister has ruled out cuts in child benefit.首相已经阻止了儿童救济金的削减。The energy boss would not rule out the possibility of frequent blackouts.能源部长不排除经常断电的可能性。The Constitution did not definitively rule out divorce.宪法没有明确排除离婚。We cannot rule out the possibility of a recession.我们不能排除经济衰退的可能性。The mountainous terrain rules out most forms of agriculture.多山的地形使大多数农耕形式都无法采用。The police have ruled out murder in the case of the girl's death.警方在姑娘死亡案中已排除他杀的可能性。The UN rush to mandate war totally ruled out any alternatives.联合国匆匆授权开战,完全排除了其他选择。Police have ruled out robbery as a motive for the killing.警方已排除因抢劫而杀人的可能。A serious car accident ruled out a future in farming for him.一场严重的车祸让他永远不可能再务农了。




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