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词汇 flopped
例句 His last album flopped; he seems to be losing his touch.他的上一张专辑遭遇惨败,他的才华似乎大不如前了。The postman flopped his heavy bag down for a short rest.邮递员扑通一声放下沉重的袋子休息一会儿。He flopped down onto the bed.他重重地倒在床上。I flopped down on the couch.我噗地倒在长沙发椅上。Her hair flopped over her face as she ran.她奔跑时,头发在脸上甩来甩去。The briefcase flopped onto the desk.公文包重重地落在桌上。I got home and flopped in front of the TV.我回到家,一屁股坐在电视机前。In spite of good reviews the play flopped.这出戏虽然得到一些好评,但还是失败了。The movie flopped and Laughton never got the chance to direct again.影片失败了,劳顿从此再也没有得到导演的机会。His head flopped back pathetically.他的头向后耷拉着,一副可怜的样子。She flopped, exhausted, on to a sofa.她精疲力竭,一屁股坐在沙发上。She dumped her bags on the floor and flopped onto the bed.她把包扔在地板上,然后扑通一声倒在床上。She dropped her bags and flopped down into the nearest chair.她扔下包,跌坐到最近的椅子里。His hair flopped over his left eye.他的头发凌乱地垂在左眼前。Her first book flopped, but her second became a bestseller.她的第一本书很失败,但是第二本成了畅销书。The books flopped onto the floor.书扑通一声掉到地板上。She belly flopped into the pool.她以肚子先着水的姿势跳入池中。He got home and flopped into a chair.他回到家,一屁股坐到椅子上。He flopped into a chair.他一屁股坐在椅子上。The briefcase flopped onto the desk.公文包砰的一声落在桌子上。She flip-flopped along in a pair of old slippers.她穿着一双旧拖鞋,噼里啪啦一路走过去。The play flopped at the box office.这部戏票房惨败。Despite a multimillion dollar marketing push, the movie flopped.虽然市场推广花费了数百万美元,这部电影还是失败了。They flopped over to a new idea.他们又有新主意了。All of their attempts have flopped miserably.他们所有的尝试都惨遭失败。Her long hair flopped down over her eyes.她的长发松散地垂到眼睛上。The puppy flopped around on the slippery floor.小狗在滑溜溜的地板上笨拙地跌倒又爬起。He flopped over to the other point of view.他突然转持另一种观点。The door flip-flopped in the strong wind.门被大风吹得砰砰直响。The movie flopped, despite the media blitz that accompanied its release. 尽管这部影片在上映时进行了多方大量的媒体宣传,但还是失败了。She flopped as a stage actress.作为一名舞台演员她失败了。She flopped into the chair with a sign of relief.她蓦地倒在椅子上,舒了口气。The film flopped badly at the box office.这部电影票房惨淡。The film flopped badly at the box office.这部电影票房惨败。She flopped into the chair with a sigh.她叹了口气,一屁股坐到了椅子上。Bunbury flopped down upon the bed and rested his tired feet.邦伯里猛地倒在床上,让疲惫的双脚休息一下。Doug pulled out his badge case and flopped it open.道格拿出徽章夹啪的一声打开。




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