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I'd been taking Flora for granted, using her for a doormat.我一直没把弗洛拉放在眼里,把她当个出气筒。Flora picked up her handbag and felt into its interior.弗洛拉拿起她的小手包,摸了一下里面。Flora watched Mrs Brown staggering upstairs with a heavy tray.弗洛拉看着布朗夫人拿着一只沉甸甸的托盘蹒跚地走上楼。Flora was bumping her bags down the steps.弗洛拉把她的行李拖下台阶。Honestly, Flora, this is getting ridiculous.哎呀,芙罗拉,这事变得荒唐了。Flora shuffled through a pile of magazines.弗洛拉胡乱地翻看一摞杂志。Flora kicked her horse into a canter.弗洛拉蹬了蹬马,让它慢跑起来。 |