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词汇 tongue
例句 The doctor told the boy to put out his tongue.医生告诉男孩把舌头伸出来。A strange brown dog suddenly jumped all over him, panting, its tongue out.一只奇怪的棕色狗突然向他扑来扑去,吐着舌头喘着气。The girl moistened her lips with her tongue.姑娘用舌头舔湿嘴唇。The dog is lolling out its tongue.狗把舌头伸出口外。Dan made a face and stuck his tongue out.丹做了个鬼脸,还伸出舌头。She had a waspish tongue which could hurt.她说话尖刻,容易伤人。He speaks with a forked tongue and knifes his colleagues in the back.他说话尖刻,并在暗中陷害同事。The French feel passionately about their native tongue.法国人对他们的母语非常热爱。My mother tongue is Spanish.我的母语是西班牙语。She gave him quite a tongue-lashing when he failed to file the papers on time.她狠狠地斥责他没能按时把文件归档。Anne is possessed of an acid tongue.安妮说话尖酸刻薄。I had trouble getting my tongue round some of their names.他们有些名字我读不出来。The dog's tongue lolled out.狗的舌头伸出在外。He got a real tongue lashing after the game.赛后他受到了严厉的指责。The drill wormed its long tongue into the solid rock.钻子的长钻头慢慢钻入了坚硬的岩石。He changed his name to something easier on the tongue.他改了个叫起来更顺口的名字。The oracle spoke in an ancient Tibetan tongue.这位神使说的是古藏语。I had to bite my tongue to stop myself telling Neil exactly what I thought of his stupid plan.我拼命忍住,不让自己告诉尼尔,对他那个愚蠢的计划我心里是怎么想的。He has never been so tongue-tied in his life.在他一生中还从未如此张口结舌过。Despite the glibness of his tongue, I am still impervious to his persuasion.尽管他说得天花乱坠,我还是对他的说法无动于衷。He bade me hold my tongue.他吩咐我不要吭声。Anton lapsed into his own tongue when he was excited.安东一激动就会说自己的家乡话。The ambulance man leant over the body, clucking his tongue with a disapproving `tsk, tsk'.救护人员俯身看了看尸体,嘴里发出啧啧的咂舌声表示不满。The doctor told me to put out my tongue.医生叫我伸出舌头给他看。I wanted to argue, but I had to bite my tongue.我想辩驳,但又不得不保持缄默。What was that place where they'd had dinner? It was on the tip of her tongue.他们一起吃过饭的那地方叫什么?她一时想不起来。We run classes for students whose mother tongue is not English.我们为母语不是英语的学生开办学习班。He poked out his tongue and looked at it carefully in the mirror.他伸出舌头,在镜子里仔细地看。I called her new boyfriend by her previous boyfriend's name - it was just a slip of the tongue.我叫她的新男友时喊成了她前任男友的名字——那只是一个口误。The nose, tongue, and arms are members of the body.鼻、舌和双臂是身体的器官。The lizard darted its tongue at the insect.蜥蜴嗖地向小虫吐出舌头。The event was on everyone's tongue.每个人都在谈论那件事。It was difficult, but he somehow managed to hold his tongue.保持沉默很难,但他努力做到了。Give your tongue a good scrape.好好刮一刮你的舌头。She clicked her tongue and shook her head.她咂了一下嘴,摇了摇头。I would advise you not to be so free with your tongue.我劝你别那么随口乱讲。I had it on the tip of my tongue to ask him why he left home, but the uselessness of it was apparent.我差点问他为什么离家,但显然问也无用。He tut-tutted his tongue about the high price.他见那昂贵的价格啧啧不已。She could hear the men whispering in a foreign tongue.她能听到那几名男子在用外语窃窃私语。The hot coffee nearly scalded his tongue.那杯热腾腾的咖啡差点烫伤了他的舌头。




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