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词汇 to manage
例句 I have steeled myself to manage without it.我已下了最大决心,没有它也照样做。It can't be helped, we'll just have to manage without her.实在没办法,我们只好在没有她的情况下自己应付了。I can't afford to get you a new coat – you'll have to manage with the one you've got.我没有钱给你买新外套 — 你只能凑合着穿你现有的那一件。The Earl didn't have the money or good judgement to employ a steward to manage the place for him.这位伯爵既没钱也没有良好的判断力去雇用一名管家替自己管理这所房子。We need to manage our resources better.我们需要更好地管理资源。The institute trains people to manage wellness programs for industries, schools, communities and hospitals.这个学院为人们提供培训,给企业、学校、社区和医院管理健康计划。We seemed to manage okay for the first year or so after David was born.戴维出生后的头一两年,我们似乎还能对付。She gave her nephew the authority to manage the estate on her behalf.她授权她的外甥管理她的财产。Her job is to manage the company's work flow.她的工作就是管理公司的工作流程。Professors are notoriously difficult to manage.众所周知,教授们可不好管。You need to manage your time more wisely.你应该更妥当地支配时间。I was given a million-dollar project to manage in my first month - it was a real baptism of fire.第一个月就让我管理一个百万美元的项目——这可是个严峻的考验。He intends his son to manage the company.他打算让他儿子经营该公司。He was appointed a trustee of the estate until the heir was old enough to manage it himself.他被指定为财产受托人,直到继承人到达能自己管理财产的年龄为止。You need to learn to manage your time more effectively.你应该学会更有效地利用你的时间。We should be able to manage without you for a few days.你不在,我们也应该能应付几天。The girls are very mutinous and difficult to manage.这些女孩桀骜不驯,很难管理。My husband gave me cash to manage the household, but none of it was ever my own.丈夫给我钱来持家,但这些钱一毫一厘都不属于我。I've finally figured a way to manage my time better.我终于想出一种更好地管理时间的办法。Helen was always a difficult child. None of her teachers knew how to manage her.海伦这孩子总是很难对付,她的老师中没有一个知道怎样才能管住她。The Earl had installed a steward to manage the castle household.伯爵雇用了一位管家来管理城堡内务。The doctor put the patient on a morphine drip to manage the pain.医生给病人静脉滴注吗啡镇痛。When you have a job as well as children to look after, you have to learn how to manage your time.当你既要工作又要照顾孩子时,就必须学会如何分配时间。The children are old enough to manage without us.孩子们长大了,就算我们不在也行了。Consultants can help academic institutions to manage their resources more efficiently.顾问可以帮助学术机构更有效地使用他们的资源。This mousse says it's designed to eliminate frizz and make hair glossy and easier to manage.这瓶摩丝的说明上写着能用来平复头发的卷曲,使头发有光泽、易于打理。I don't know how we are going to manage for bread today.我不知道我们今天怎么搞到面包。The court declared him incompetent to manage his financial affairs.法庭宣布他不具备管理自己财务的能力。We'll have to manage as best we can without you.没有你在,我们就只得勉力为之了。There is a lack of confidence in the government's ability to manage the economy.人民对该政府管理经济的能力缺乏信心。In today's programme, we'll be giving you advice on how to manage your money.在今天的节目中,我们将为您提供理财建议。With four markets to manage, there's a danger that's she's spreading herself too thin.她要管理四个市场,恐怕会分身乏术。They'll have to manage without presents this year. 今年没有礼物,他们得接受这一点。Farmers lack any incentive to manage their land organically.农场主对有机耕作土地毫不积极。I'm as ambitious as the next man. I'd like to manage at the very highest level.我和别人一样雄心勃勃,想进入最高管理层。I don't want some smart-arse from the city telling me how to manage my farm.我不需要一个自作聪明的城里人告诉我怎样管理农场。The court declared him incompetent to manage his financial affairs.法庭宣布他没有能力管理自己的财务。Failure to manage risks hits middlemarket firms.风险管理的失败打击了从事中级市场业务的公司。All schools are expected to manage their own budgets.所有学校都要求控制自己的预算。Laura knows how to manage difficult customers.劳拉知道怎样应付挑剔的顾客。




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