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词汇 手稿
例句 Copying manuscripts all the time is dreary work.老是抄写手稿是件枯燥乏味的差事。The faintness of the handwriting made the manuscript difficult to read.字迹模糊使手稿难于阅读。This manuscript is coeval with that one.这件手稿和那件是同年代的。It is a Latin translation of a Greek manuscript.那是希腊文手稿的拉丁文译本。I thought I might have lit upon an ancient manuscript.我想,我可能是找到了一份古代的手稿In general, the script reads beautifully.总的来说,这部手稿文笔很美。Bob sent the manuscript off to his agent.鲍勃把手稿寄给了他的经纪人。After his death, his daughter found an unpublished manuscript among his papers.他死后,女儿在他的文件中发现了一部未发表的手稿I read his novel in manuscript.我读过他的小说的手稿We had to rush the manuscript out so that it could be copied.我们得快点把手稿写出来,这样才能复印。The publisher will not accept your manuscript until it has been thoroughly revised.在你未将自己的手稿彻底审订之前,出版商是不会接受它的。They laboriously copied out manuscripts.他们费劲地抄出数份手稿The manuscripts - written in a mysterious code - were a clever hoax.这些手稿是用难以理解的密码写成的,真是巧妙的花招。The editor's job is to prepare the manuscript for print. 编辑的工作就是将手稿整理好付印。She gave the manuscript a careful reading. 她仔细阅读了手稿Rogers had purchased a valuable Hebrew manuscript from a dealer in Jerusalem.罗杰斯从耶路撒冷的一位商人那里购得了贵重的希伯来文手稿I am grateful to him for letting me read his early chapters in manuscript.他允许我拜读了其手稿的前几章,对此我十分感激。My secretary worked long hours translating my almost illegible writing into a typewritten and readable script.我的秘书花了很长时间把我写的几乎无法辨认的手稿用打字机打印成易读的文本。The museum possesses the only surviving manuscript of Cicero's letters.这家博物馆藏有西塞罗存留至今的唯一书信手稿The manuscripts have never been systematically catalogued.这些手稿一直没有系统地编过目录。A precis of the manuscript was sent to the magazine New Idea.手稿的摘要寄给了《新思想》杂志。He had decided to publish the manuscript no matter what.他决定无论如何都要出版那部手稿It was a relief that his real name hadn't been appended to the manuscript.他的真名并未附在手稿上,这让人松了一口气。He had been asked to transcribe an ancient manuscript.他被要求抄写一本古老的手稿I'd receive the manuscript of a novel each month and have two weeks to turn it around and get it turned in.我每个月收到一部小说手稿,用两周时间完成,然后再把它交上去。The text ran to dozens of pages in manuscript form.手稿文本有几十页。This is a photograph of the manuscript. The original is in the city museum.这是手稿的照片。原稿在市博物馆里。He hunted down the written manuscript in the library.他在藏书楼终于找到了手稿None of Shakespeare's plays survives in its original manuscript form.莎士比亚戏剧的手稿都没有保存下来。She mailed me a copy of her manuscript. = She mailed a copy of her manuscript to me.她给我寄了一份她的手稿副本。The monks copied their manuscripts out by hand.修道士用手抄写手稿The priceless manuscripts were looted during civil war in the early nineties.珍贵的手稿在九十年代早期的内战中被人浑水摸鱼偷走了。A deluge of manuscripts began to arrive in the post.大量的手稿开始通过邮递涌来。The manuscripts are now glassed over, to prevent them from being damaged.手稿现在罩上了玻璃罩,以防损毁。He has the manuscript lying by him.他把手稿放在手边。The manuscripts were written in the composer's own hand.手稿是作曲家亲笔写的。He reviewed an earlier draft of this manuscript.他复查了一下这份手稿的早期草稿。Scholars differ widely about when the two manuscripts were written.学者们对这两份手稿的创作时间看法很不一样。The present whereabouts of the manuscript is unknown.手稿目前下落不明。Some ancient manuscripts were discovered in the temple.在寺院里发现了一些古代的手稿




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