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词汇 to make way
例句 The ruling committee resigned en bloc to make way for a new election.管理委员会成员全体辞职,以便为新的选举扫清障碍。He said he was prepared to make way for younger people in the party.他说他已准备好让位于党内的年轻一代。A lot of the old Victorian buildings are being pulled down to make way for chain stores.许多维多利亚时代的旧楼都纷纷被拆了,以腾出地方来建连锁店。Eddie feels that he was forced out of his job in order to make way for a younger man.埃迪觉得他是被逼辞职,让位给一个比他年轻的人的。Several houses were torn down to make way for the shopping center.几座房子被拆了,以便腾出地方建造购物中心。He was retired this summer to make way for a young man.他已于今夏退休,让位给一个年轻人。Armed police shoved the protestors aside to make way for the president's car.武装警察把抗议者猛推到一边,为总统的车子开道。Slums have been cleared to make way for new high-rise apartments.贫民窟已被清除,新的高层公寓取而代之。The land was compulsorily purchased from the owner to make way for the new road.这块地是从业主那里强行买回来以便新路通过。His latest proposal shrinks the building's footprint to make way for the street.他的最新建议压缩了建筑物的占地面积,可以为街道腾出更多空间。Several houses were pulled down to make way for the new road.为了给新修的道路让路,几座房屋被拆毁了。One of our best workers has been thrust out to make way for the director's son.我们公司最优秀的职工之一为了让位给董事的儿子而被解雇。Bulldozing began today to make way for the new bypass.今天开始用推土机为修筑新的支路做平整工作。The crowd parted to make way for the doctor.人群分开,给医生让出一条路。The building is now being demolished to make way for a motorway.为修建高速公路,现正拆除这栋建筑。A lot of the old tower blocks have been torn down to make way for new housing.很多旧的高层建筑被拆除,让出地方来建造新房子。All traffic has to make way for a fire-engine.所有车辆都得给消防车让路。Several houses were demolished to make way for a new road.有几栋房子被拆了,让出地方修一条新路。They have razed those buildings to make way for the new highway.他们拆除了那些建筑物以便腾出地方修建新的公路。The little village was bulldozed into oblivion to make way for the airport.小村庄被推土机夷为平地,以建造机场。Tropical forest is felled to make way for grassland.为了开辟草场,热带雨林给砍伐掉了。The crowd was parted right and left to make way for the party.群众向左右分开给那一队人让路。The onlookers stepped back to make way for the ambulance to pass.旁观的人往后退了退,让救护车开过去。The old factory was demolished to make way for a new parking lot.旧工厂被拆除了,以便给新停车场腾出地方。The house is being knocked down to make way for a new road.这所房子正被拆毁以便为新建公路腾出地盘。They felled great thickets of rhododendrons to make way for more novel exotics.他们砍倒了大片杜鹃花丛给新奇的外来植物腾地方。We were asked to make way for the bride and groom.有人叫我们给新郎和新娘让路。Forest is being cleared to make way for new farming land.森林正被开垦成新的耕地。These trees will have to be cut down to make way for the new road.为了修建新公路,不得不将这些树砍掉。She resigned to make way for a younger woman.为了给女性后辈让位,她辞职了。A number of houses would have to be demolished to make way for the new building.建这幢新大楼将不得不推倒一些房子。




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