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词汇 rude
例句 He's just a rude, insensitive jerk.他就是个粗鲁、不体贴人的蠢人。The fight started when one of the fans made a rude gesture at a player.其中一个球迷对着一名球员做粗鲁的动作,于是就打起来了。If you're rude to everyone, you'll reap what you sow. 如果你对每个人都很粗鲁,人们也会以同样的方式对待你。Children are taught that it's rude to point.小孩子受到教育,用手指着别人是粗鲁的行为。I was often rude and ungracious in refusing help.我以前经常粗鲁无礼地拒绝接受帮助。These rude tribesmen live in the rain forest.这些原始部落人生活在雨林之中。I've heard him be rude to her on a number of occasions.我有好几次听到他对她说话很粗鲁。He's very rude about her cooking.他对她的烹饪十分挑剔。He is sometimes very rude and sometimes not.他有时很粗鲁,有时候倒并不。I hope you won't think me rude if I leave early.如果我提早离开,希望你不要认为我无礼。Fred keeps cracking rude jokes with the guests.弗雷德不停地和客人们开着粗俗的玩笑。I beg your pardon, that was rude of me.对不起,我那样做很粗鲁。It was very rude of them not to answer.他们不予回答是很失礼的。I was rather nettled by his rude questions.他的粗鲁的问题使我恼火。He's not normally so rude – I don't know what's come over him.他通常不那么粗鲁的,我不知道他这是怎么了。Small children are often told that it's rude to point.小孩子们经常被告知用手指指点点是不礼貌的。He was the only child in the class who could be rude to the teacher and get away with it.他是班里唯一一个能够顶撞老师而不受惩罚的学生。If my children are rude, that reflects on me as a parent.假如我的孩子没有礼貌,那会使我这个做家长的丢脸。It's difficult to ask someone their age without appearing rude.问别人的年龄总难免有点失礼。I can be very rude to motorists who hoot at me.对那些朝我按喇叭的司机我会很不客气。Don't worry if Mike seemed rude - that's normal for him.迈克看上去有点粗野,别担心—他平常就是这样。He was rude and inconsiderate to the waiter.他对待这个侍者粗鲁,也不体谅。He's incredibly rude, but no one ever calls him on it. 他极其粗暴,可竟然没人制止他。He seemed to be itching for an excuse to say something rude.他似乎很想找个借口讲粗话。Her rude behaviour is not in consistency with her usual polite nature.她的粗鲁行为和她平时斯文的性情是不相符合的。He wasn't just impolite-he was downright rude.他不仅仅是不礼貌,他简直是无礼透顶。I've met some rude women in my time but she's the worst.我这辈子也见过一些粗鲁的女人,但她是最粗鲁的。They had called her rude names.他们用粗鲁的言语谩骂她。Students who are rude and scruffy give the school a bad name.粗鲁邋遢的学生会玷污学校的名声。He's about to have a rude awakening. 他就要顿然醒悟了。He was forgivably tense/rude.他很紧张/粗鲁,这情有可原。Your state of anxiety does not justify your being so rude to me.你心情焦急不能成为你对我如此粗暴的理由。She's always been rude to me, but it was the last straw when she started insulting my mother.她一直对我很粗鲁,但让我终于无法忍受的是她竟然开始辱骂我的母亲。People were upset by Hansen's rude remarks.人们被汉森粗鲁的言辞激怒了。Must you always be so rude?!你非得老是这么无礼吗?!He was as lecherous as always, telling rude jokes and trying to kiss all the girls.他还是那么好色,开着粗俗的玩笑,所有的女孩子他都想亲一下。The professor was a real Jekyll and Hyde - sometimes kind and charming, and at other times rude and obnoxious.这位教授真是个双重性格的人——有时和蔼可亲,有时粗暴而惹人讨厌。Mother scolded me this morning for being rude to you.今天早上妈妈因为我对你无礼而训斥了我。She never used to be so rude to people. What got into her? 她以前从未对人如此粗鲁过。她究竟怎么了?People in the town started making rude comments.城里人开始出言不逊。




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