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词汇 rescue
例句 Within hours of the tragedy happening, an emergency rescue team had been assembled.悲剧发生后几小时之内,就集结起来一支紧急救援队伍。Police should have the power to fine people who hamper rescue efforts. In fact I'd throw them into prison for a night.警察应该有权对妨碍救援的人处以罚款。其实要是换了我,非关他们一宿不可。They inflated their part in the rescue every time they told the story.他们每次讲这个故事时都要夸大自己在营救中的作用。The rescue team reached the stranded hikers this morning. 救援队今天上午赶到了徒步旅行者被困的地点。In an urgent race against time, the Coast Guard and marine biologists struggled to rescue a whale that had beached itself on the shore.海岸警卫队和海洋生物学家争分夺秒,奋力营救一条搁浅在海岸上的鲸鱼。The ceasefire has created a window of opportunity to rescue the peace process.停火为挽救和平进程敞开了一扇机会之门。The air rescue operation has now been scaled down.空中救援行动的规模现在已经有所缩小。His daring rescue saved the lives of the youngsters.他的大胆营救保住了那些年轻人的性命。A firefighter came to her rescue. 一名消防员把她救了。The storm extinguished their last hope for rescue.风暴使他们最后的获救希望破灭了。They braved heavy shell fire to rescue the wounded.他们顶着密集的炮火营救伤员。The rescue crew has been working for three days straight.救援队已经连续工作三天了。In that instant, he had a flash of inspiration: he and Tom would try and rescue Frankie themselves.就在那时他灵机一动:他和汤姆可以试试自己去救弗朗姬。They shouted with might and main but nobody came to rescue them.他们尽全力呼喊,却没有人来营救。The rescue team raked the area for a trace of lost travellers.营救队在这一地区仔细搜寻迷途旅人的踪迹。She had brought her trained sheepdog to help in the rescue.她带来了经过训练的牧羊犬帮助营救。The mountain rescue team is stepping up its hunt for the missing climbers.高山救援队加紧了寻找失踪登山者的工作。Whenever her little brother was upset, Jane rushed to the rescue.不论何时她的小弟弟有什么不高兴,简都会赶紧去安抚他。Fallen rock is impeding the progress of rescue workers.坠落的石头阻滞了救援人员的救援进程。An attempt to rescue the American hostages ended in disaster.营救美国人质的尝试以失败告终。A rescue was attempted by Coast Guards, but it was not successful.海岸警卫队曾尝试拯救,但未能成功。The lifeguard performed a heroic rescue.救生员进行了英勇的救援。To rescue the Coloured Man, all forces will have to be inspanned to raise him economically.为了救援黑人,将有必要利用各种力量来提高他的经济地位。A rescue helicopter airlifted the injured man to hospital.救援直升机将伤者运送到医院。The rescue operation began on Friday afternoon.救援行动于星期五下午开始。The Mayor praised the rescue teams for their courage.市长称赞了救援队的英勇。The police are advising motorists marooned by the blizzards to stay in their cars until the rescue services can reach them.警方建议被困于暴风雪中的驾车者在救援人员到达前先呆在车中。The IMF has put together a rescue package for the country's faltering economy.国际货币基金组织汇集各种建议,形成了一套拯救这个国家衰退的经济的方案。Hundreds of rescue workers are being sent to the stricken region.数百名营救人员正被派往灾区。Any hope of rescue is right up the spout.任何获救的希望都完了。It was too late to launch a rescue mission.当时展开救援行动已经太晚了。He exaggerated the importance of his role in the rescue mission.他夸大了他在此次救援任务中的重要性。The World Bank hopes that these emergency measures will rescue the Zambian economy.世界银行希望这些紧急措施能挽救赞比亚的经济。As long as these weather conditions prevail, we are unable to rescue the climbers.如果这种天气情况继续下去,我们就无法营救登山者。When memory fails, he has his notes to come to his rescue.记忆力不管用时,他有笔记可以救急。He rushed back into the inferno to rescue his two-year-old sister, Cora, who had been trapped inside.他冲回火海中去营救两岁的妹妹科拉,她被困在里面了。The rescue was carried out smoothly and with the minimum of fuss.救援行动进行得很顺利,没有引起什么慌乱。The rescue mission had to be aborted.救援任务不得不停止。Storms delayed the rescue of the crash victims.暴风雨延误了营救车祸遇难者的工作。He was trying to rescue the business from failure. 他正尽力把企业从破产边缘挽救回来。




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