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例句 He always painted marvellously.他画的画总是令人叹为观止The sheer size of the building took his breath away.这幢建筑的规模之大让他叹为观止Keane's amazing athletic skill will be a huge plus factor for the team in tomorrow's game.基恩令人叹为观止的运动技能将是该队在明天的比赛中获胜的重要保证。A beautiful sunset is an awesome sight.太阳下山时的美丽景色令人叹为观止The sheer size of the building was amazing.那幢建筑物光从体积上说已令人叹为观止了。The animation is jaw-droppingly good.这部动画片令人叹为观止It must have been mind-blowing.这一定让人叹为观止The Niagara Falls are a truly awesome sight.尼亚加拉大瀑布确实令人叹为观止The view from the top of the mountain is breathtaking.山顶的美景令人叹为观止The land is flat, and the views are awesomely extensive.这里地势平坦,一望无际,景色令人叹为观止The caves cannot but inspire wonder in the beholder.这些洞穴让观者无不叹为观止The drive along the beach and up the mountain is truly breathtaking.沿着海滩以及上山的一路驱车旅行景色美得令人叹为观止He was on fire with this marvelous sight.看到这一令人叹为观止的景象,他激动万分。He had a surprisingly delicate touch.他手法细腻,令人叹为观止If there's good skiing, breathtaking scenery and you don't need to catch a plane, all the better!如果有好的滑雪场、令人叹为观止的美景,又不用赶飞机,那就再好不过了。Her electrifying gymnastics performances vaulted her from obscurity to worldwide renown.她那令人叹为观止的体操表演使她从无名小卒一跃而成为世界名人。The exhibition features a magnificent collection of bronze statues.该展览以令人叹为观止的青铜像收藏品为特色。From the top of the tower, the outlook over the city was breathtaking.从塔顶俯视,这座城市的景色令人叹为观止This year's pyrotechnic display defies description.今年的烟火表演令人叹为观止The new bridge is an incredible sight to behold.这座新桥令人叹为观止Visitors were dazzled by the mansion's ornate rooms.大厦的华丽房间令游客们叹为观止Niagara Falls really is an awe-inspiring sight.尼亚加拉瀑布确实是一处令人叹为观止的风景。The view from my bedroom window was absolutely breathtaking.从我卧室的窗户看出去,景色美得令人叹为观止The ruins of Angkor Wat are truly breathtaking.吴哥窟的遗迹令人叹为观止




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